# Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) email address. # This is used for certificate-related notifications and recovery purposes. # Example: ACME_EMAIL='your-email@example.com' ACME_EMAIL='CHANGEME' # Flag to enable or disable the Traefik dashboard. # Values: true or false ENABLE_TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD=true # Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the Traefik dashboard. # Example: TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_FQDN='traefik.example.com' TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_FQDN='traefik.example.com' # IPs you can trust to forward headers. Useful if your application is behind Cloudflare, for example. # Add IPs as a comma-separated list. TRUSTED_IPS=',,,fc00::/7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2400:cb00::/32,2606:4700::/32,2803:f800::/32,2405:b500::/32,2405:8100::/32,2a06:98c0::/29,2c0f:f248::/32' # Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for Authelia, a multi-factor authentication system. # Example: AUTHELIA_FQDN='auth.example.com' AUTHELIA_FQDN='auth.example.com' # Root password for MySQL. # Note: This is a sensitive value; ensure to change it to a secure password. MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='CHANGEME' # The name of the database to be used by Authelia. # Example: MYSQL_DATABASE='authelia' MYSQL_DATABASE='authelia' # Absolute path where MySQL backups will be stored. # Example: MYSQL_BACKUP_PATH='/some/absolute/path' MYSQL_BACKUP_PATH='/some/absolute/path'