FROM debian:8 MAINTAINER TuRzAm # Var for first config # Server Name ENV SESSIONNAME "Ark Docker" # Map name ENV SERVERMAP "TheIsland" # Server password ENV SERVERPASSWORD "" # Admin password ENV ADMINPASSWORD "adminpassword" # Nb Players ENV NBPLAYERS 70 # If the server is updating when start with docker start ENV UPDATEONSTART 1 # if the server is backup when start with docker start ENV BACKUPONSTART 1 # branch on github for ark server tools ENV BRANCH master # Server PORT (you can't remap with docker, it doesn't work) ENV SERVERPORT 27015 # Steam port (you can't remap with docker, it doesn't work) ENV STEAMPORT 7778 # Install dependencies RUN apt-get update &&\ apt-get install -y curl lib32gcc1 lsof git sudo cron # Enable passwordless sudo for users under the "sudo" group RUN sed -i.bkp -e \ 's/%sudo\s\+ALL=(ALL\(:ALL\)\?)\s\+ALL/%sudo ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL/g' /etc/sudoers \ /etc/sudoers # Run commands as the steam user RUN adduser \ --disabled-login \ --shell /bin/bash \ --gecos "" \ steam # Add to sudo group RUN usermod -a -G sudo steam # Copy & rights to folders COPY /home/steam/ COPY arkmanager-user.cfg /home/steam/arkmanager.cfg RUN chmod 777 /home/steam/ RUN mkdir /ark # We use the git method, because api github has a limit ;) RUN git clone -b $BRANCH /home/steam/ark-server-tools # Install WORKDIR /home/steam/ark-server-tools/tools RUN chmod +x RUN ./ steam # Allow crontab to call arkmanager RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/arkmanager /usr/bin/arkmanager # Define default config file in /ark COPY arkmanager-system.cfg /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg RUN chown steam -R /ark && chmod 755 -R /ark USER steam # download steamcmd RUN mkdir /home/steam/steamcmd &&\ cd /home/steam/steamcmd &&\ curl | tar -vxz # First run is on anonymous to download the app RUN /home/steam/steamcmd/ +login anonymous +quit EXPOSE ${STEAMPORT} 32330 ${SERVERPORT} VOLUME /ark # Update game launch the game. ENTRYPOINT ["/home/steam/"]