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arkstChannel="master" # change it to a different branch to get non-stable versions
# config SteamCMD
steamcmdroot="/home/steam/steamcmd" # path of your steamcmd instance
steamcmdexec="steamcmd.sh" # name of steamcmd executable
steamcmd_user="steam" # name of the system user who own steamcmd folder
steamcmd_appinfocache="/home/steam/Steam/appcache/appinfo.vdf" # cache of the appinfo command
# config environment
arkserverroot="/ark/server" # path of your ARK server files (default ~/ARK)
arkserverexec="ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer" # name of ARK server executable
arkbackupdir="/ark/backup" # path to backup directory
arkwarnminutes="30" # number of minutes to warn players when using update --warn
# ARK server options - use ark_<optionname>=<value>
# comment out these values if you want to define them
# inside your GameUserSettings.ini file
serverMap=${SERVERMAP} # server map (default TheIsland)
#serverMapModId="469987622" # Uncomment this to specify the Map Mod Id (<fileid> in http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=<fileid>)
ark_RCONEnabled="True" # Enable RCON Protocol
ark_RCONPort="32330" # RCON Port
ark_SessionName=${SESSIONNAME} # if your session name needs special characters please use the .ini instead
ark_Port="7778" # ARK server port (default 7778)
ark_QueryPort="27016" # ARK query port (default 27016)
ark_ServerPassword=${SERVERPASSWORD} # ARK server password, empty: no password required to login
ark_ServerAdminPassword=$ADMINPASSWORD # ARK server admin password, KEEP IT SAFE!
#ark_GameModIds="487516323,487516324,487516325" # Uncomment to specify additional mods by Mod Id separated by commas
# config Service
servicename="arkserv" # Name of the service (don't change if you don't know what are you doing)
logdir="/ark/log/" # Logs path (default /var/log/arktools)
# steamdb specific
appid=376030 # Linux server App ID