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synced 2024-11-01 03:01:49 +01:00
150 lines
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150 lines
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# Build PreLoad list by scanning project for PRELOAD macros
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Find;
my $cwd = cwd();
my $SearchDir = "";
my $OutputDir = "";
my %SourceFiles = ();
my %PreloadsGlobal = ();
my %PreloadsPS2 = ();
my %PreloadsXbox = ();
# main
# Read Args
if( scalar( @ARGV ) == 2 )
$SearchDir = $ARGV[0];
$OutputDir = $ARGV[1];
# Backslashes to Forward slashes and make sure $OutputDir has a trailing forward slash
$OutputDir =~ s/[\\\/]/\//g;
$OutputDir .= "/";
$OutputDir =~ s/\/\//\//g;
print "Usage: BuildPreloadList <start_path>\n";
print "\n";
print " eg: BuildPreloadList c:\\Projects\\A51\n";
# Get .. and use that as the starting point
$cwd =~ /^(.*)[\/|\\].*$/;
$SearchDir = $1;
# Find all the cpp files
print "Searching for files in $SearchDir...\n";
FindSourceFiles( $SearchDir );
my $Total = keys( %SourceFiles );
# Find all the PRELOAD macros in the cpp files
print "Scanning for PRELOAD_FILE...\n";
print "Complete!\n";
# Output PC preloads
my @FileNames = keys %PreloadsGlobal;
push( @FileNames, keys %PreloadsPS2 );
open( FH, ">$OutputDir"."PreloadPC.txt" ) || die "Failed to open 'PreloadPC.'\n";
for my $FileName ( sort @FileNames )
print FH "C:\\GameData\\A51\\Release\\PC\\$FileName\n";
close( FH );
# Output PS2 preloads
@FileNames = keys %PreloadsGlobal;
push( @FileNames, keys %PreloadsPS2 );
open( FH, ">$OutputDir"."PreloadPS2.txt" ) || die "Failed to open 'PreloadPS2.'\n";
for my $FileName ( sort @FileNames )
print FH "C:\\GameData\\A51\\Release\\PS2\\$FileName\n";
close( FH );
# Output Xbox preloads
@FileNames = keys %PreloadsGlobal;
push( @FileNames, keys %PreloadsXbox );
open( FH, ">$OutputDir"."PreloadXbox.txt" ) || die "Failed to open 'PreloadPS2.'\n";
for my $FileName ( sort @FileNames )
print FH "C:\\GameData\\A51\\Release\\XBox\\$FileName\n";
close( FH );
# Done
exit 0;
# FindSourceFiles
sub FindSourceFiles
my $SearchPath = shift;
find sub
if( !/^(\.|\.\.)$/ && !/3rdparty/i )
my $Path = $File::Find::name;
if( /.*\.cpp$/ )
if( -f $Path )
elsif( -d $Path )
FindSourceFiles( $Path );
}, ( $SearchPath );
# FindPreloads
sub FindPreloads
for my $PathName ( sort keys %SourceFiles )
# Read the file
open( FH, $PathName ) or die "\nERROR: Can't open file $PathName\n";
my @Lines = <FH>;
close( FH );
for my $Line (@Lines)
while( $Line =~ /(PRELOAD_FILE|PRELOAD_PS2_FILE|PRELOAD_XBOX_FILE)\(\s*"(.*?)"\s*\)/g )
my $Type = $1;
my $FileName = $2;
if( $Type =~ /PRELOAD_FILE/ )
$PreloadsGlobal{$FileName} = 1;
elsif( $Type =~ /PRELOAD_PS2_FILE/ )
$PreloadsPS2{$FileName} = 1;
elsif( $Type =~ /PRELOAD_XBOX_FILE/ )
$PreloadsXbox{$FileName} = 1;