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synced 2024-11-01 03:01:49 +01:00
674 lines
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674 lines
23 KiB
# .anim resource report script
use strict;
use File::Find;
# main
# Read Args
if( scalar( @ARGV ) != 1 )
print "Usage: anim_report <level_path> or COMBINE";
exit 1;
# Define some paths
#my $LayerPath = 'C:\GameData\A51\Source\Levels\01_LevelBlue\01_LevelBlue_Main';
my $LayerPath = $ARGV[0];
# Vars
my @Themes = (); # Array of themes
my %Projects; # Hash of project files
my %Blueprints; # Hash of blueprints
my %AnimPackages; # Hash of anim packages
my @Layers = (); # Array of layers
my %AnimNames; # Hash of anim names for a quick test if a string is an anim name
my %Objects; # Hash of objects
my @Errors = (); # Array of errors
my @AnimLines = ();
my @Reports = ();
if( $LayerPath eq 'COMBINE' )
exit 0;
print STDERR "#==============================================================================\n";
print STDERR "Level: $LayerPath\n";
print STDERR "#==============================================================================\n";
#print @AnimLines;
print STDERR "#==============================================================================\n";
print STDERR "\n";
# MakeCombinedReport
sub FindReports
find sub
if( /.*\.anims\.csv$/ )
if( -f $File::Find::name )
push( @Reports, $_ );
}, ( "." );
sub MakeCombinedReport
%AnimPackages = ();
foreach my $File (@Reports)
# Read the file
open( FH, $File ) or die "\nERROR: Can't open file $File\n";
my @Lines = <FH>;
close( FH );
foreach my $Line (@Lines)
if( $Line =~ /"(.*?)","(.*?)",(\d+),"(.*?)"/ )
my $Package = $1;
my $Anim = $2;
my $Count = $3;
my $Path = $4;
$AnimPackages{$Package}{'path'} = $Path;
$AnimPackages{$Package}{'anims'}{$Anim} += $Count;
# error
sub error
my $String = shift;
$String =~ s/\//\\/g;
print STDERR "ERROR: $String";
push( @Errors, $String );
# Set an anim as used
sub SetAnimUsed
my $Package = shift;
my $Anim = shift;
my $Line = shift;
my $File = shift;
if( exists $AnimPackages{$Package}{'anims'}{$Anim} )
error( "Anim $Anim in Package $Package does not exist at line $Line in $File\n" );
# Set an anim as used
sub SetAnimUsedNoPackage
my $Anim = shift;
my $Line = shift;
my $File = shift;
if( $AnimNames{$Anim} > 1 )
error( "Ambiguous anim $Anim at line $Line in $File\n" );
for my $AnimPackage ( sort keys %AnimPackages )
for my $AnimName ( sort keys %{$AnimPackages{$AnimPackage}{'anims'}} )
if( $AnimName eq $Anim )
error( "Anim $Anim does not exist at line $Line in $File\n" );
# Find the themes by reading the project file
sub FindThemes
find sub
if( /.*\.project$/ )
if( -f $File::Find::name && ($File::Find::name !~ /(\\|\/)Backup(\\|\/)/) )
if( exists $Projects{$_} )
# Multiple project files
error( "$_ multiple\n $Projects{$_}{'path'}\n $File::Find::name\n\n" );
# Store project file
$Projects{$_}{'path'} = $File::Find::name;
# Load project file
my $Path = $File::Find::name;
open( FH, $Path ) or die "\nERROR: Can't open file $Path\n";
my @Lines = <FH>;
close( FH );
foreach $_ (@Lines)
if( /.*"(.*)\\.*?\.theme"\s*$/ )
push( @Themes, $1 );
}, ( "$LayerPath" );
# Find the blueprints in the theme folder
sub FindBlueprints
my $Count = 0;
find sub
if( /.*\.bpx$/ )
if( -f $File::Find::name && ($File::Find::name !~ /(\\|\/)Backup(\\|\/)/) )
if( exists $Blueprints{$_} )
# Duplicate blueprint name
error( "$_ duplicated\n $Blueprints{$_}{'path'}\n $File::Find::name\n\n" );
# Create mapping of blueprint name to path
$Blueprints{$_}{'path'} = $File::Find::name;
}, ( "$LayerPath", @Themes );
# Find the anim packages in the theme folder
sub FindAnimPackages
my $Count = 0;
find sub
if( /.*\.anim$/ )
if( -f $File::Find::name && ($File::Find::name !~ /(\\|\/)Backup(\\|\/)/) )
if( exists $AnimPackages{$_} )
# Duplicate anim package name
error( "$_ duplicated\n $AnimPackages{$_}{ 'path' }\n $File::Find::name\n\n" );
# Create mapping of anim name to path
$AnimPackages{$_}{'path'} = $File::Find::name;
}, ( "$LayerPath", @Themes );
# Load the anim packages
sub LoadAnimPackages
for my $AnimPackage ( keys %AnimPackages )
# Read the file
my $Path = $AnimPackages{$AnimPackage}{'path'};
open( FH, $Path ) or die "\nERROR: Can't open file $Path\n";
my @Lines = <FH>;
close( FH );
# Process the lines
for $_ (@Lines )
if( /\s*"(.*?)"\s*"(.*?)"\s*"(.*?)"/ )
my $Field = $1;
my $Type = $2;
my $Value = $3;
if( $Field =~ /ResDesc\\AnimList\[\d+\]\\Name/ )
$AnimPackages{$AnimPackage}{'anims'}{$Value} = 0;
# Dump anim packages
sub DumpAnimPackages
print "\"Package\",\"Anim\",\"Count\",\"Path\"\n";
for my $AnimPackage ( sort keys %AnimPackages )
my $Path = $AnimPackages{$AnimPackage}{'path'};
for my $AnimName ( sort keys %{$AnimPackages{$AnimPackage}{'anims'}} )
my $Count = $AnimPackages{$AnimPackage}{'anims'}{$AnimName};
print "\"$AnimPackage\",\"$AnimName\",$Count,\"$Path\"\n";
# Find the layer files
sub FindLayers
find sub
if( /.*\.layer$/ )
if( (-f $File::Find::name) && ($File::Find::name !~ /(\\|\/)Backup(\\|\/)/) )
push @Layers, ($File::Find::name);
}, ( "$LayerPath" );
# Process layer files for objects
sub ProcessForObjects
# Iterate over the layer files
foreach my $Layer (@Layers)
# Read the file
open( FH, $Layer ) or die "\nERROR: Can't open file $Layer\n";
my @Lines = <FH>;
close( FH );
my $Line = 1;
my $AnimPackageDefined = 0;
my $ObjectGUIDDefined = 0;
my $ObjectGUID;
foreach $_ (@Lines)
# Clear Guid Defined and AnimPackage Defined when we encounter a new object
if( (/^\[ Object/) || (/^\[ BP_OverwriteData/) )
$ObjectGUIDDefined = 0;
$AnimPackageDefined = 0;
# Process a line of data
if( /\s*"(.*?)"\s*"(.*?)"\s*"(.*?)"\s*/ )
my $Field = $1;
my $Type = $2;
my $Value = $3;
# Does this look like a GUID
if( $Type =~ /[a-fA-F0-9]{8}:[a-fA-F0-9]{8}/ )
$ObjectGUIDDefined = 1;
$ObjectGUID = $Type;
if( exists $Objects{$ObjectGUID} )
error( "Object $ObjectGUID defined twice at line $Line in: $Layer also in $Objects{$ObjectGUID}{'layer'}\n" );
$Objects{$ObjectGUID}{'defined'} = 1;
$Objects{$ObjectGUID}{'layer'} = $Layer;
elsif( ($Value =~ /\.anim$/) &&
!($Field =~ /^Do\\Action/) &&
!($Field =~ /^Cover Node\\(Civilian|Soldier|Grey) Cover Anim Package/) &&
!($Field =~ /^Spawned Object Anim\\AnimSelect/) &&
!($Field =~ /^TaskList\\Task\[/) )
# Found an Anim Package for this object
if( $ObjectGUIDDefined )
if( $AnimPackageDefined )
error( "Anim Package defined multiple times at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
$AnimPackageDefined = 1;
$Objects{$ObjectGUID}{'animpkg'} = $Value;
error( "Anim Package defined with no GUID at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
# This catches Blueprint Overwrite GUIDs
elsif( /\s*"([a-fA-F0-9]{8}:[a-fA-F0-9]{8})"\s*/ )
$ObjectGUIDDefined = 1;
$ObjectGUID = $1;
$Objects{$ObjectGUID}{'defined'} = 1;
# Dump objects
sub DumpObjects
for my $GUID ( keys %Objects )
my $AnimPackage = $Objects{$GUID}{'animpkg'};
if( !defined $AnimPackage )
$AnimPackage = '<undefined>';
print "$GUID = $AnimPackage\n";
# Process layer files for animation info
sub DecimalToHexGUID
my $Decimal = shift;
my $Hex;
if( $Decimal =~ /(-?\d+)\s(-?\d+)/ )
$Hex = sprintf( "%08lX:%08lX", $2, $1 );
return $Hex;
sub ProcessForAnims
# Iterate over the layer files
foreach my $Layer (@Layers)
# Read the file
open( FH, $Layer ) or die "\nERROR: Can't open file $Layer\n";
my @Lines = <FH>;
close( FH );
my $Line = 1;
my $ObjectGUIDDefined = 0;
my $ObjectGUID;
my $LastAnimSelectIndex = -1;
my $LastAnimSelectPackage;
my $LastGUIDIndex = -1;
my $LastGUID;
my $LastPropertyIndex = -1;
my $LastPropertyType;
foreach $_ (@Lines)
# Clear Guid Defined when we encounter a new object
if( (/^\[ Object/) || (/^\[ BP_OverwriteData/) )
$ObjectGUIDDefined = 0;
# Process a line of data
if( /\s*"(.*?)"\s*"(.*?)"\s*"(.*?)"/ )
my $Field = $1;
my $Type = $2;
my $Value = $3;
# Does this look like a GUID
if( $Type =~ /[a-fA-F0-9]{8}:[a-fA-F0-9]{8}/ )
$ObjectGUIDDefined = 1;
$ObjectGUID = $Type;
if( !exists $Objects{$ObjectGUID} )
error( "Object $ObjectGUID not defined at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
$Objects{$ObjectGUID}{'defined'} = 1;
# Is this a Do Action or Task List or Spawn
elsif( ($Field =~ /^Do\\Action\[/) ||
($Field =~ /^TaskList\\Task\[/) ||
($Field =~ /^Spawned Object Anim\\/) )
# Is this a package selection
if( $Field =~ /Do\\Action\[(\d+)\]\\AnimSelect/ )
$LastAnimSelectPackage = $Value;
$LastAnimSelectIndex = $1;
elsif( $Field =~ /TaskList\\Task\[(\d+)\]\\SubTask\[(\d+)\]\\AnimSelect/ )
$LastAnimSelectPackage = $Value;
$LastAnimSelectIndex = $1 * 1000 + $2;
elsif( $Field =~ /Spawned Object Anim\\AnimSelect/ )
$LastAnimSelectPackage = $Value;
$LastAnimSelectIndex = 1;
# Is this a property set operation
elsif( $Field =~ /Do\\Action\[(\d+)\]\\Property/ )
$LastPropertyType = $Value;
$LastPropertyIndex = $1;
# Is this a target state
elsif( $Field =~ /Do\\Action\[(\d+)\]\\Target State/ )
# Just ignore it
# Is this a GUID
elsif( $Field =~ /Do\\Action\[(\d+)\]\\Object Guid/ )
$LastGUID = DecimalToHexGUID( $Value );
$LastGUIDIndex = $1;
# Is this an Anim Name but not excluded fields?
elsif( (exists $AnimNames{$Value}) &&
!($Field =~ /^Trigger Object\\Reset Style/) &&
!($Field =~ /^Do\\Action\[(\d+)\]\\Next State/) &&
!($Field =~ /^Do\\Action\[(\d+)\]\\Go To Label/) &&
!($Field =~ /^Do\\Action\[(\d+)\]\\Label/) )
if( ($Field =~ /Do\\Action\[(\d+)\]\\(AnimName|Set Enum)/) ||
($Field =~ /TaskList\\Task\[(\d+)\]\\SubTask\[(\d+)\]\\AnimName/) ||
($Field =~ /Spawned Object Anim\\AnimName/) )
push( @AnimLines, $_ );
if( $Field =~ /Do\\Action\[(\d+)\]\\AnimName/ )
if( $LastAnimSelectIndex == $1 )
SetAnimUsed( $LastAnimSelectPackage, $Value, $Line, $Layer );
$LastAnimSelectIndex = -1;
error( "AnimName[$1] without AnimSelect[$LastAnimSelectIndex] at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
elsif( $Field =~ /TaskList\\Task\[(\d+)\]\\SubTask\[(\d+)\]\\AnimName/ )
if( $LastAnimSelectIndex == ($1 * 1000 + $2) )
SetAnimUsed( $LastAnimSelectPackage, $Value, $Line, $Layer );
$LastAnimSelectIndex = -1;
error( "AnimName[$1] without AnimSelect[$LastAnimSelectIndex] at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
elsif( $Field =~ /Spawned Object Anim\\AnimName/ )
if( $LastAnimSelectIndex == 1 )
SetAnimUsed( $LastAnimSelectPackage, $Value, $Line, $Layer );
$LastAnimSelectIndex = -1;
error( "AnimName[$1] without AnimSelect[$LastAnimSelectIndex] at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
elsif( ($Field =~ /Do\\Action\[(\d+)\]\\Set Enum/) &&
($LastPropertyIndex == $1) &&
( ($LastPropertyType eq 'AnimSurface\PlayAnim') ||
($LastPropertyType eq 'SkinPropSurf\PlayAnim') )
if( $LastGUIDIndex == $1 )
my $AnimPackage = $Objects{$LastGUID}{'animpkg'};
if( defined $AnimPackage )
SetAnimUsed( $AnimPackage, $Value, $Line, $Layer );
$LastGUIDIndex = -1;
SetAnimUsedNoPackage( $Value, $Line, $Layer );
$LastGUIDIndex = -1;
error( "Set Enum[$1] without GUID at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
error( "Unaccounted (01) at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
error( "Unaccounted (02) at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
# Is this an Anim Name but not a Trigger Reset or Light Action or DeadBody AnimName or Check Enum
elsif( (exists $AnimNames{$Value}) &&
!($Field =~ /^Trigger Object\\Reset Style/) &&
!($Field =~ /Light\\ActionWhenDone/) &&
!($Field =~ /^DeadBody\\AnimName/) &&
!($Field =~ /^If\\Condition\[\d+\]\\Check Enum/) &&
!($Field =~ /^Else If\\Else Condition\[\d+\]\\Check Enum/) )
push( @AnimLines, $_ );
# Found an Anim Name
if( !$ObjectGUIDDefined )
# Whoops, no object GUID defined yet
error( "Anim Package without object GUID at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
# Increment the count of references for the anim
my $AnimPackage = $Objects{$ObjectGUID}{'animpkg'};
if( !defined $AnimPackage )
error( "Object $ObjectGUID has no anim package at line $Line in $Layer\n" );
SetAnimUsed( $AnimPackage, $Value, $Line, $Layer );
# This catches Blueprint Overwrite GUIDs
elsif( /\s*"([a-fA-F0-9]{8}:[a-fA-F0-9]{8})"\s*/ )
$ObjectGUIDDefined = 1;
$ObjectGUID = $1;
$Objects{$ObjectGUID}{'defined'} = 1;