Andrew Sampson 431f72b93a source
2021-08-27 19:22:41 -07:00

383 lines
13 KiB

#include "AStar.hpp"
#include "Entropy.hpp"
#include "Obj_mgr/obj_mgr.hpp"
static const f32 k_DefaultScale = 1.0f;
astar_path_finder::astar_path_finder( void ) :
m_CurrentNPCGuid( 0 ),
m_GoalNodeID( NULL_NAV_SLOT ),
m_PathIndex( -1 ),
m_NumConnections( 0 )
xbool astar_path_finder::GeneratePath( ng_connection2* pStartConnection,
ng_connection2* pEndConnection,
const vector3& DestPoint,
guid NPCGuid,
const pathing_hints& Hints, // IN
s32* PathList,
s32 PathCount,
s32& nStepsInPath )
CONTEXT( "astar_path_finder::GeneratePath" );
//clear the open list
if (NULL == pStartConnection)
return FALSE;
//initialize the goal node and NPC
m_GoalNodeID = pStartConnection->GetSlotID();
m_CurrentNPCGuid = NPCGuid;
object* pObject = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectByGuid( NPCGuid );
ASSERTS(pObject,"astar_path_finder was not given a valid NPCGuid");
vector3 StartPos = DestPoint;
m_DestPoint = pObject->GetPosition();
//set up the initial node, generate the path backwards the final node is actually the beginning node.
AddToOpen( pEndConnection, StartPos,
NULL, StartPos,
-1, 1.0f );
while( !m_OpenList.IsEmpty() )
//get a pointer to the node that we're analyzing
s32 CurIndex = m_OpenList.Pop();
astar_node& CurrentAStarNode = m_NodeList[ CurIndex ];
const ng_connection2* pCurConnection = CurrentAStarNode.m_pNavConnection;
//if pCurrentNode is the goal, stop
if ( CurrentAStarNode.m_pNavConnection->GetSlotID() == m_GoalNodeID )
m_PathIndex = CurIndex;
//pass the path back to the NPC
if ( PathList != NULL )
nStepsInPath = CreatePath( PathList , PathCount );
return TRUE;
// Get data required to process child connections:
vector3 CurConCenterLine(0,0,0);
xbool bOneWay = pCurConnection->IsOneWay();
if (bOneWay)
CurConCenterLine = pCurConnection->GetEndPosition() - pCurConnection->GetStartPosition();
//walk through the connections to the current node.
for( u16 i = 0; i < CurrentAStarNode.m_pNavConnection->GetOverlapCount(); i++ )
nav_connection_slot_id OtherID = CurrentAStarNode.m_pNavConnection->GetOverlapRemoteConnectionID(i);
ng_connection2& OtherConnection = g_NavMap.GetConnectionByID( OtherID );
//if the connected node is open or closed, don't do anything with it.
//we will skip deactivated connections also.
if( OtherConnection.IsClosed() || OtherConnection.IsOpen() || !OtherConnection.GetEnabled() )
f32 Multiplier = CalculateMultiplierForConnection( OtherConnection, Hints );
if (Multiplier == 0)
nav_node_slot_id OtherNodeID = CurrentAStarNode.m_pNavConnection->GetOverlapNodeID(i);
ng_node2& OtherNode = g_NavMap.GetNodeByID( OtherNodeID );
if (bOneWay)
// We dot the current connection's center line vector with
// a vector from the current node's position to the other node's position.
// If the dot product of the two vectors is less than or equal to zero,
// then travelling to the other node would take us against the
// direction of the nav connection.
vector3 DeltaToOtherConnection = CurrentAStarNode.m_Position - OtherNode.GetPosition();
f32 Dot = DeltaToOtherConnection.Dot( CurConCenterLine );
if (Dot <= 0)
if (OtherConnection.IsOneWay() && (OtherID == m_GoalNodeID))
// Same as above
vector3 DeltaFromCurConnection = OtherNode.GetPosition() - m_DestPoint;
vector3 OtherConCenterLine = OtherConnection.GetEndPosition() - OtherConnection.GetStartPosition();
f32 Dot = DeltaFromCurConnection.Dot( OtherConCenterLine );
if( Dot <= 0 && !OtherNode.IsPointInside(m_DestPoint) )
//otherwise, add the connected node to our list
AddToOpen( &OtherConnection,
Multiplier );
return FALSE;
f32 astar_path_finder::CalculateMultiplierForConnection( const ng_connection2& Conn,
const pathing_hints& Hints )
u32 Flags = Conn.GetFlags();
f32 Mult = 1.0f;
// Setup default mult
Mult = (2.0f - (Hints.Default / 128.0f)) * k_DefaultScale;
if (Flags & ng_connection2::HINT_JUMP)
if (Hints.Jump == 0)
return 0;
f32 ThisMult = (2.0f - (Hints.Jump / 128.0f)) * k_DefaultScale;
Mult = MIN(Mult,ThisMult);
if (Flags & ng_connection2::HINT_SMALL_NPC)
if (Hints.SmallNPC == 0)
return 0;
f32 ThisMult = (2.0f - (Hints.SmallNPC / 128.0f)) * k_DefaultScale;
Mult = MIN(Mult,ThisMult);
return Mult;
xbool astar_path_finder::GenerateRunFrom(ng_node* pStartNode, vector3& RunPos, s32 Depth, s32* PathList, s32 PathCount )
CONTEXT( "astar_path_finder::GenerateRunFrom" ) ;
// Clear the open list.
m_OpenList.Clear() ;
ResetNodeList() ;
// Push the initial node onto the run from list.
AddToRunFrom( pStartNode ) ;
for ( s32 i = 0; i < Depth; i++ )
s32 NodeCount = m_NumConnections ;
// Add the connected nodes to the list.
for ( s32 j = 0; j < NodeCount; j++ )
astar_node& CurrentAStarNode = m_NodeList[ j ] ;
const u16 SlotID = CurrentAStarNode.m_pNavNode->GetSlotID();
ng_node& ConnectedNode = CurrentAStarNode.m_pNavNode->GetConnectionByIndex(i).GetOtherNode( SlotID );
//if the connected node is open or closed, don't do anything with it.
if( ConnectedNode.IsClosed() || ConnectedNode.IsOpen() )
//otherwise, add the connected node to our list
AddToRunFrom( &ConnectedNode );
// If there's only one node, we can't run from anything.
if ( m_NumConnections == 1 )
return FALSE ;
// OK. We are ready to analyze the list of nodes.
u16 DestinationIndex = AnalyzeRunFromList( RunPos ) ;
void astar_path_finder::AddToOpen( ng_connection2* pCurrentConnection, // Current connection (travelling into this)
const vector3& CurrentPos, // center of overlap used to get to current connection
ng_connection2* pPrevConnection, // Previous connection
const vector3& PrevPos, // center of overlap used to get into the previous connection
ng_connection2* pEndConnection, // Terminal connection. When we get here we're done
s32 ParentIndex,
f32 Multiplier )
ASSERT( pCurrentConnection );
ASSERT( m_NumConnections < MAX_NODES );
m_NodeList[m_NumConnections].Initialize( pCurrentConnection,
m_DestPoint );
//push the initial node onto the queue
m_OpenList.Push( m_NumConnections , m_NodeList[m_NumConnections].GetCostAndEstimate() * Multiplier );
void astar_path_finder::AddToRunFrom( ng_node* pCurrentNode )
ASSERT( pCurrentNode );
ASSERT( m_NumConnections < MAX_NODES );
//push the node onto the queue
m_OpenList.Push( m_NumConnections , 0.f );
u16 astar_path_finder::AnalyzeRunFromList( const vector3& RunPos )
// Walk through the list and find the connected node that is furthest away from where we want to run from
void astar_path_finder::ResetNodeList( void )
//reset each node in our pool.
for ( s32 i = 0 ; i < m_NumConnections ; i++ )
m_NumConnections = 0;
m_PathIndex = -1;
void astar_path_finder::ResetNumNodes( void )
m_NumConnections = 0;
m_PathIndex = -1;
s32 astar_path_finder::CreatePath( s32* PathList, s32 PathCount )
//we only create a path when one has been found. ie: m_PathIndex >=0
s32 CurrentPathIndex = m_PathIndex;
s32 i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < PathCount ; i++ )
PathList[i] = -1;
ASSERT( CurrentPathIndex >= 0 );
astar_node* pPathNode = &m_NodeList[ CurrentPathIndex ];
s32 nSteps = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < PathCount && CurrentPathIndex >= 0 ; i++ )
//store the slot ID in the path list
PathList[i] = pPathNode->m_pNavConnection->GetSlotID();
CurrentPathIndex = pPathNode->m_ParentIndex;
if ( CurrentPathIndex >= 0 )
pPathNode = &m_NodeList[ CurrentPathIndex ];
return nSteps;
#ifdef X_EDITOR
void astar_path_finder::RenderPath( void )
#ifdef TARGET_PC
//walk through our pooled nodes and render spheres around their positions
for ( s32 i = 0 ; i < m_NumConnections ; i++ )
vector3 vPos = m_NodeList[i].m_Position;
xcolor cColor;
if ( m_NodeList[i].IsOpen() )
cColor = XCOLOR_RED;
draw_Sphere( vPos , 50.f , cColor );
//now, if a path has been found, we draw a green line on the path
if ( m_PathIndex >= 0 )
s32 CurrentIndex = m_PathIndex;
astar_node* pPathNode = &m_NodeList[ CurrentIndex ];
vector3 vOffset( 0.f , 10.f , 0.f );
while ( pPathNode->m_pParentNode )
char buf[64];
draw_Line( vOffset + pPathNode->m_pNavNode->GetPosition() , vOffset + pPathNode->m_pParentNode->GetPosition() , XCOLOR_GREEN );
x_sprintf( buf , "NodeID: %u" , pPathNode->m_pNavNode->GetSlotID() );
draw_Label( 1.5f * vOffset + pPathNode->m_pNavNode->GetPosition() , XCOLOR_WHITE , buf );
CurrentIndex = pPathNode->m_ParentIndex;
ASSERT( CurrentIndex >= 0 );
pPathNode = &m_NodeList[ CurrentIndex ];
char buf[64];
x_sprintf( buf , "GOAL NODE ID: %u" , pPathNode->m_pNavNode->GetSlotID() );
draw_Label( 1.5f * vOffset + pPathNode->m_pNavNode->GetPosition() , XCOLOR_YELLOW , buf );
#endif // X_EDITOR