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synced 2024-11-01 03:01:49 +01:00
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692 lines
20 KiB
#include "entropy.hpp"
// vector3 g_LastBBoxTris[12][3];
// xbool g_LastBBoxSet = FALSE;
// vector3 g_LastRaySelect[2];
#if 0
struct cdb
vector3 SphereCenterAtImpact;
vector3 Normal;
vector3 FinalHitPoint;
vector3 Start;
vector3 End;
s32 nCollisions;
f32 FinalTs[6];
cdb g_cdb;
xbool CollideSphereWithPoint( const vector3& Start,
const vector3& Dir,
f32 Radius,
const vector3& Point,
f32& hit_time,
vector3& hit_point )
f32 length = Dir.Length();
if ( ABS(length) < 0.0001f )
return FALSE;
vector3 ray_start = Point;
vector3 ray_dir = -Dir;
vector3 sphere_pos = Start;
f32 sphere_rad = Radius;
ray_dir /= length;
// get the offset vector
vector3 offset = sphere_pos - ray_start;
// get the distance along the ray to the center point of the sphere
f32 ray_dist = ray_dir.Dot(offset);
if( ray_dist <= 0 || (ray_dist - length) > sphere_rad) {
// moving away from object or too far away
return false;
// get the squared distances
f32 off2 = offset.Dot(offset);
f32 Rad2 = sphere_rad * sphere_rad;
if( off2 <= Rad2 ) {
// we're in the sphere
hit_point = ray_start;
hit_time = 0;
return true;
// find hit distance squared
f32 d = Rad2 - (off2 - ray_dist * ray_dist);
if( d < 0 ) {
// ray passes by sphere without hitting
return false;
// get the distance along the ray
hit_time = (f32)(ray_dist - x_sqrt( d ));
if( hit_time > length ) {
// hit point beyond length
return false;
// sort out the details
vector3 sphere_point = ray_start + ray_dir * hit_time;
hit_time /= length;
hit_point = sphere_point + hit_time*Dir;
return true;
xbool ComputeSphereTriCollision( const vector3* Tri,
const vector3& Start,
const vector3& End,
f32 Radius,
f32& FinalT,
vector3& FinalHitPoint )
s32 i;
vector3 Dir = End-Start;
plane Plane;
Plane.Setup( Tri[0], Tri[1], Tri[2] );
const f32 DirDotNormal = Dir.Dot( Plane.Normal );
// Moving away from plane?
if ( DirDotNormal > 0 )
return FALSE;
// Are we completely in front or starting from behind?
f32 StartDist = Plane.Distance( Start );
f32 EndDist = Plane.Distance( End );
if( (StartDist<-Radius) || (EndDist>Radius) )
return FALSE;
// Find the closest point on the sphere to the plane
f32 T;
vector3 HP;
vector3 SphereBot = Start - (Plane.Normal*Radius);
T = -Plane.Distance( SphereBot ) / DirDotNormal;
if ( T > 1.0f )
return FALSE;
if ( T >= 0 )
HP = SphereBot + T*Dir;
// Determine if point is inside tri.
s32 i;
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
if( v3_Cross(Plane.Normal,Tri[(i+1)%3]-Tri[i]).Dot( HP - Tri[i] ) < 0 )
if( i==3 )
FinalT = T;
FinalHitPoint = HP;
return TRUE;
FinalT = 2.0f;
u32 CullVert=0;
s32 va = 0;
s32 vb = 2;
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
va = vb;
vb = i;
vector3 P0 = Tri[va];
vector3 P1 = Tri[vb];
vector3 Edge = P1 - P0;
vector3 Delta = Start - P0;
f32 DeltaDotEdge = Delta.Dot(Edge);
f32 DeltaDotDir = Delta.Dot(Dir);
f32 EdgeDotDir = Edge.Dot(Dir);
f32 DeltaSqr = Delta.LengthSquared();
f32 EdgeSqr = Edge.LengthSquared();
f32 DirSqr = Dir.LengthSquared();
f32 A = EdgeDotDir * EdgeDotDir - EdgeSqr * DirSqr;
f32 B = 2 * (DeltaDotEdge * EdgeDotDir - DeltaDotDir * EdgeSqr);
f32 C = DeltaDotEdge * DeltaDotEdge + Radius * Radius * EdgeSqr - DeltaSqr * EdgeSqr;
f32 Disc = B*B - 4*A*C;
if( Disc < 0 )
// discriminant negative, sphere passed edge too far away
// don't check verts
CullVert |= ((1<<va)|(1<<vb));
if( A < -0.0001f || A > 0.0001f )
f32 root = x_sqrt(Disc);
f32 root1 = (-B + root) / (2 * A);
f32 root2 = (-B - root) / (2 * A);
// sort root1 and root2, use the earliest intersection. the larger root
// corresponds to the final contact of the sphere with the edge on its
// way out.
if( root2 < root1 )
f32 temp = root1;
root1 = root2;
root2 = temp;
// root1 is a time, check that it's in our currently valid range
if( (root1 < 0) || (root1 > 1.0f) )
// did not hit line within time range
// find sphere and edge positions
vector3 SphereHit = Start + Dir * root1;
// check if hit is between P0 and P1
f32 EdgeT = ((SphereHit - P0).Dot(Edge)) / EdgeSqr;
if( (EdgeT >= 0) && (EdgeT <= 1) )
// bingo
if( root1 < FinalT )
FinalT = root1;
FinalHitPoint = P0 + Edge * EdgeT;
// hit within edge so don't check end verts
CullVert |= ((1<<va)|(1<<vb));
// sphere hit line but not within segment.
// Degenerate case, sphere is traveling parallel to edge.
// It might hit the verts
// Are there any verts to check?
if( CullVert != 0x7 )
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
if( CullVert & (1<<i) )
f32 T;
vector3 HP;
if( CollideSphereWithPoint( Start, Dir, Radius, Tri[i], T, HP ) )
if( T < FinalT )
FinalT = T;
FinalHitPoint = HP;
// Collision?
if( FinalT < 2.0f )
return TRUE;
#if 1
// Intersecting plane and above the plane at the start position?
// (stopping intersections when below the plane breaks crouching on the grated floors in excavation?!)
// NOTE: 0.1f is used to make sure that HP != Start ( which can happen if StartDist is really small )
if( ( StartDist > 0.1f ) && ( StartDist < Radius ) )
// Compute center point projected onto plane
vector3 HP = Start - ( Plane.Normal * StartDist );
// Make sure slip plane normal can be computed
ASSERT( ( Start - HP ).SafeNormalize() );
// Determine if point is inside edges
s32 i;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
// Inside edge?
const vector3& P0 = Tri[ i ];
const vector3& P1 = Tri[ ( i + 1 ) % 3 ];
vector3 EdgeDir = P1 - P0;
vector3 EdgeNormal = v3_Cross( Plane.Normal, EdgeDir );
vector3 EdgeToPoint = HP - P0;
f32 Dot = v3_Dot( EdgeNormal, EdgeToPoint );
if( Dot < 0.0f )
// Inside all edges?
if( i == 3 )
FinalT = 0.0f;
FinalHitPoint = HP;
return TRUE;
// SB: This causes the player to get stuck where there a small gaps between ramps/floor lips etc
// Determine if point intersects any edge
f32 RadiusSqr = Radius * Radius;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
// Inside edge?
const vector3& P0 = Tri[ i ];
const vector3& P1 = Tri[ ( i + 1 ) % 3 ];
vector3 PointToEdge = Start.GetClosestVToLSeg( P0, P1 );
f32 DistSqr = PointToEdge.LengthSquared();
if( DistSqr < RadiusSqr )
FinalT = 0.0f;
FinalHitPoint = Start + PointToEdge;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
xbool ComputeRayTriCollision ( const vector3* Tri,
const vector3& Start,
const vector3& End,
f32& FinalT,
vector3& FinalHitPoint )
s32 i;
// vector3 Dir = End-Start;
plane Plane;
Plane.Setup( Tri[0], Tri[1], Tri[2] );
// DMT: Are we completely on one side?
// if( (Plane.Distance( Start ) * Plane.Distance( End )) > 0.0f )
// {
// return FALSE;
// }
// Are we completely in front or starting from behind?
if ( !(Plane.InFront( Start ) && Plane.InBack( End )) )
return FALSE;
// Find where we hit the plane
f32 T;
Plane.Intersect( T, Start, End );
if ( (T < 0.0f) || (T > 1.0f) )
return FALSE;
vector3 HitPoint = Start + ((End - Start) * T);
// See if hit point is inside tri
vector3 EdgeNormal;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
EdgeNormal = Plane.Normal.Cross( Tri[(i+1)%3] - Tri[i] );
if( EdgeNormal.Dot( HitPoint - Tri[i] ) < -0.001f )
return FALSE;
// Collision
FinalT = T;
FinalHitPoint = HitPoint;
return TRUE;
xbool ComputeRaySphereCollision( const vector3& SpherePos,
const f32 SphereRadius,
const vector3& Start,
const vector3& End,
f32& FinalT,
vector3& FinalHitPoint )
//ASSERT( (Start-End).LengthSquared() > 0.000000001f );
const vector3 TestPoint = SpherePos.GetClosestPToLSeg( Start, End );
const vector3 Diff = TestPoint - SpherePos;
const f32 DistSQ = Diff.LengthSquared();
const f32 RadiusSQ = SphereRadius * SphereRadius;
if ( DistSQ < RadiusSQ )
// The point is inside the sphere, so find the point of contact
f32 BackDist = x_sqrt( RadiusSQ - DistSQ );
vector3 Temp = TestPoint - Start;
const f32 Length = Temp.Length();
f32 DistToHitPoint = Length - BackDist;
if ( DistToHitPoint < 0 )
DistToHitPoint = 0;
if ( Length > 0 )
Temp /= Length; // Normalize
Temp *= DistToHitPoint;
FinalHitPoint = Start + Temp;
if( (Start-End).LengthSquared() < 0.000000001f)
FinalT = 0.0000001f;
FinalT = DistToHitPoint / ((Start-End).Length());
if ( (FinalT < 0.0f) || (FinalT > 1.0f) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
xbool ComputeSphereSphereCollision( const vector3& TestSpherePos,
const f32 TestSphereRadius,
const f32 MovingSphereRadius,
const vector3& Start,
const vector3& End,
f32& FinalT,
vector3& FinalHitPoint )
// Shrink the moving sphere to a ray, and grow the test sphere by the
// moving sphere's radius. Then do a ray/sphere check
f32 TempRadius = TestSphereRadius + MovingSphereRadius;
if ( !ComputeRaySphereCollision( TestSpherePos, TempRadius, Start, End, FinalT, FinalHitPoint ) )
return FALSE;
// they hit, so find the hit point. Final T will be correct
vector3 MovingSpherePos = FinalHitPoint;
vector3 Diff = TestSpherePos - MovingSpherePos;
Diff *= MovingSphereRadius;
FinalHitPoint = MovingSpherePos + Diff;
return TRUE;
void BuildTrisForAABBox( const bbox& AABBox, vector3 Tris[12][3] )
vector3 Corners[8];
Corners[0].Set( AABBox.Min.GetX(), AABBox.Min.GetY(), AABBox.Min.GetZ() );
Corners[1].Set( AABBox.Max.GetX(), AABBox.Min.GetY(), AABBox.Min.GetZ() );
Corners[2].Set( AABBox.Max.GetX(), AABBox.Min.GetY(), AABBox.Max.GetZ() );
Corners[3].Set( AABBox.Min.GetX(), AABBox.Min.GetY(), AABBox.Max.GetZ() );
Corners[4].Set( AABBox.Min.GetX(), AABBox.Max.GetY(), AABBox.Min.GetZ() );
Corners[5].Set( AABBox.Max.GetX(), AABBox.Max.GetY(), AABBox.Min.GetZ() );
Corners[6].Set( AABBox.Max.GetX(), AABBox.Max.GetY(), AABBox.Max.GetZ() );
Corners[7].Set( AABBox.Min.GetX(), AABBox.Max.GetY(), AABBox.Max.GetZ() );
Tris[0][0] = Corners[2];
Tris[0][1] = Corners[7];
Tris[0][2] = Corners[3];
Tris[1][0] = Corners[2];
Tris[1][1] = Corners[6];
Tris[1][2] = Corners[7];
Tris[2][0] = Corners[0];
Tris[2][1] = Corners[3];
Tris[2][2] = Corners[4];
Tris[3][0] = Corners[3];
Tris[3][1] = Corners[7];
Tris[3][2] = Corners[4];
Tris[4][0] = Corners[1];
Tris[4][1] = Corners[0];
Tris[4][2] = Corners[5];
Tris[5][0] = Corners[5];
Tris[5][1] = Corners[0];
Tris[5][2] = Corners[4];
Tris[6][0] = Corners[1];
Tris[6][1] = Corners[6];
Tris[6][2] = Corners[2];
Tris[7][0] = Corners[1];
Tris[7][1] = Corners[5];
Tris[7][2] = Corners[6];
Tris[8][0] = Corners[6];
Tris[8][1] = Corners[4];
Tris[8][2] = Corners[7];
Tris[9][0] = Corners[6];
Tris[9][1] = Corners[5];
Tris[9][2] = Corners[4];
Tris[10][0] = Corners[2];
Tris[10][1] = Corners[3];
Tris[10][2] = Corners[0];
Tris[11][0] = Corners[2];
Tris[11][1] = Corners[0];
Tris[11][2] = Corners[1];
xbool ComputeSphereAABBoxCollision( const bbox& AABBox,
const vector3& Start,
const vector3& End,
f32 Radius,
f32& FinalT,
vector3& FinalHitPoint,
plane& FinalHitPlane,
plane& FinalSlipPlane )
vector3 Tris[12][3];
BuildTrisForAABBox( AABBox, Tris );
const s32 TRIS_IN_BOX = 12;
const s32 MAX_COLLISIONS = 12;
s32 i;
vector3 FinalHitPoints[MAX_COLLISIONS];
plane FinalHitPlanes[MAX_COLLISIONS];
plane FinalSlipPlanes[MAX_COLLISIONS];
s32 nCollisions = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < TRIS_IN_BOX; ++i )
if ( ComputeSphereTriCollision(
FinalHitPoints[nCollisions]) )
// Our slide plane is defined by the impact point, and a
// normal from that point towards the sphere's center,
// when the sphere is at the collision T
vector3 SphereCenterAtImpact = Start + (End-Start)*FinalTs[nCollisions];
vector3 Normal = SphereCenterAtImpact - FinalHitPoints[nCollisions];
#if 0
g_cdb.SphereCenterAtImpact = SphereCenterAtImpact;
g_cdb.Normal = Normal;
g_cdb.FinalHitPoint = FinalHitPoint;
g_cdb.Start = Start;
g_cdb.End = End;
g_cdb.nCollisions = nCollisions;
g_cdb.FinalTs[0] = FinalTs[0];
g_cdb.FinalTs[1] = FinalTs[1];
g_cdb.FinalTs[2] = FinalTs[2];
g_cdb.FinalTs[3] = FinalTs[3];
g_cdb.FinalTs[4] = FinalTs[4];
g_cdb.FinalTs[5] = FinalTs[5];
FinalHitPoints[nCollisions], Normal );
Tris[i][2] );
if ( nCollisions > 0 )
// we have a collision, find the one with the smallest final T
FinalT = 2.0f; // greater than is valid initially
for ( i = 0; i < nCollisions; ++i )
if ( FinalTs[i] < FinalT )
FinalT = FinalTs[i];
FinalHitPoint = FinalHitPoints[i];
FinalHitPlane = FinalHitPlanes[i];
FinalSlipPlane = FinalSlipPlanes[i];
if ( (FinalT < 0.0f) || (FinalT > 1.0f) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
xbool ComputeRayAABBoxCollision ( const bbox& AABBox,
const vector3& Start,
const vector3& End,
f32& FinalT,
vector3& FinalHitPoint,
plane& FinalHitPlane,
plane& FinalSlipPlane )
vector3 Tris[12][3];
BuildTrisForAABBox( AABBox, Tris );
// {
// BuildTrisForAABBox( AABBox, g_LastBBoxTris );
// g_LastBBoxSet = TRUE;
// g_LastRaySelect[0] = Start;
// g_LastRaySelect[1] = End;
// }
const s32 TRIS_IN_BOX = 12;
const s32 MAX_COLLISIONS = 12;
s32 i;
vector3 FinalHitPoints[MAX_COLLISIONS];
plane FinalHitPlanes[MAX_COLLISIONS];
s32 nCollisions = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < TRIS_IN_BOX; ++i )
if ( ComputeRayTriCollision(
FinalHitPoints[nCollisions] ) )
Tris[i][2] );
if ( nCollisions > 0 )
// we have a collision, find the one with the smallest final T
FinalT = 2.0f; // greater than is valid initially
for ( i = 0; i < nCollisions; ++i )
if ( FinalTs[i] < FinalT )
FinalT = FinalTs[i];
FinalHitPoint = FinalHitPoints[i];
FinalHitPlane = FinalHitPlanes[i];
FinalSlipPlane = FinalHitPlanes[i];
if ( (FinalT < 0.0f) || (FinalT > 1.0f) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;