Andrew Sampson 431f72b93a source
2021-08-27 19:22:41 -07:00

1468 lines
33 KiB

// Nav_mgr.cpp
#include "navigation\nav_mgr.hpp"
#include "navigation\nav_plan.hpp"
#include "objects\nav_node_place_holder.hpp"
#include "objects\nav_connection_place_holder.hpp"
nav_mgr* nav_mgr::m_sThis = NULL;
nav_mgr::nav_mgr(void) :
if ( m_sThis != NULL )
xbool nav_mgr::UpdateNavPlan( vector3& thisPoint, nav_plan& thisPlan )
m_CheapestSolution = 99999999.0f;
slot_id nearestNode = thisPlan.GetStartingPoint();
if( nearestNode == SLOT_NULL )
nearestNode = LocateNearestNode( thisPoint );
// thisPlan.SetDestination(thisPoint);
slot_id destinationNode = LocateNearestNode( thisPlan.GetDestination() );
// Handle the special case of the the starting node being the destination
if( nearestNode == thisPlan.GetDestinationNode() )
thisPlan.AddPoint( SLOT_NULL , destinationNode );
return true;
m_CheapestNode = nearestNode;
s32 tries = 200;
while ( m_CheapestNode != destinationNode && tries )
slot_id tempID = m_CheapestNode;
m_CheapestNode = m_NavNodes[m_CheapestNode].GetNextInList();
AddConnectedNodesToOpenList( tempID );
slot_id tempID;
s32 count=0;
tempID = m_CheapestNode;
// slot_id head;
for( count =0; count < kMAX_CONNECTIONS; count++ )
count = 0;
while (tempID != SLOT_NULL)
if(m_NavNodes[tempID].GetPred() != SLOT_NULL)
tempID = m_NavNodes[tempID].GetPred();
tempID = m_CheapestNode;
while(count >= 0 )
thisPlan.AddPoint(m_NavNodes[tempID].GetConnectionUsedInSearch(), tempID, count);
tempID = m_NavNodes[tempID].GetPred();
// while(head != -1)
// {
// char tempString[256];
// x_sprintf( tempString,"Step: %d Node: %d Cost: %f\n", count,head,m_NavNodes[head].GetCostToNode() );
// head = m_NavNodes[head].GetNextInList();
// count++;
// }
// thisPlan.AddPoint()
if (tries > 0 )
return true;
return false;
void nav_mgr::AddConnectedNodesToOpenList( slot_id nearestNode )
s32 count;
for(count = 0; count < k_MAX_NODE_CONNECTIONS; count++ )
slot_id connectionID = m_NavNodes[nearestNode].GetConnectionByIndex( count );
if(connectionID != SLOT_NULL )
slot_id nodeToAdd = m_Connections[connectionID].GetOtherEnd(nearestNode);
// if it is not in this search
if( ( m_NavNodes[nodeToAdd].GetSearchNumber() != m_SearchCount) )
m_NavNodes[nodeToAdd].SetCost( m_NavNodes[nearestNode].GetCostToNode() + m_Connections[connectionID].GetCost() );
m_NavNodes[nodeToAdd].SetConnectionUsedInSearch( connectionID );
InsertNodeIntoList( nodeToAdd, nearestNode, connectionID );
else if( m_NavNodes[nodeToAdd].GetSearchStepNumber() == m_SearchStepNumber )
// if it is in the list already but it was from this same call to add nodes
// we need to check see which is cheaper and add the cheaper one
// else it is in the list and wasn't from this pass
void nav_mgr::InsertNodeIntoList( slot_id thisNode, slot_id parent, slot_id connectionID )
// slot_id currentID = m_CheapestNode;
// Nodes are inserted in sorted order. m_CheapestNode is the index to the current cheapest
// node in the list and is therefore the start of the list. To inser the node we get it's
// cost and walk through the list until it's less than the next one or until the next index
// if the cheapest node is SLOT_NULL then this is the first item to be entered.
if ( m_CheapestNode == SLOT_NULL )
m_CheapestNode = thisNode;
m_NavNodes[thisNode].SetSearchInfo( SLOT_NULL, parent,m_SearchCount, m_SearchStepNumber, m_NavNodes[parent].GetCostToNode() + m_Connections [ connectionID ].GetCost() );
// if we make it here then at least one item is already in the list. We step through the list
// till we
slot_id m_HigherCostNode,
m_HigherCostNode = m_CheapestNode;
nodeToInsertAfter = SLOT_NULL;
f32 thisCost = m_NavNodes[thisNode].GetCostToNode();
// This while loop should walk through the list till it hits a node that is higher cost than
// itself or until it hits the end of the list.
if(thisCost < m_NavNodes[m_CheapestNode].GetCostToNode() )
m_CheapestNode = thisNode;
while( m_HigherCostNode != SLOT_NULL && thisCost > m_NavNodes[m_HigherCostNode].GetCostToNode() )
nodeToInsertAfter = m_HigherCostNode;
m_HigherCostNode = m_NavNodes[m_HigherCostNode].GetNextInList();
// if this is the new cheapest node...
if(nodeToInsertAfter == SLOT_NULL )
m_CheapestNode = thisNode;
m_NavNodes[thisNode].SetSearchInfo( m_HigherCostNode, parent,m_SearchCount, m_SearchStepNumber, m_NavNodes[parent].GetCostToNode() + m_Connections [ connectionID ].GetCost() );
else //if(m_HigherCostNode != SLOT_NULL )
ASSERT(nodeToInsertAfter != SLOT_NULL );
// to insert in the list we first make the previous point to this one
m_NavNodes[nodeToInsertAfter].SetNextInList( thisNode );
// then make this one point to the next one
m_NavNodes[thisNode].SetSearchInfo( m_HigherCostNode, parent,m_SearchCount, m_SearchStepNumber, m_NavNodes[parent].GetCostToNode() + m_Connections [ connectionID ].GetCost() );
nav_node& nav_mgr::GetNavNode(slot_id thisNavNode )
ASSERT(thisNavNode != SLOT_NULL && thisNavNode < kMAX_NAV_NODES );
return (m_NavNodes[thisNavNode] );
nav_connection& nav_mgr::GetConnection( slot_id thisNavConnection )
ASSERT(thisNavConnection != SLOT_NULL && thisNavConnection < kMAX_CONNECTIONS );
return ( m_Connections[thisNavConnection] );
slot_id nav_mgr::GetNewNavNode( void )
slot_id anId = GetFirstOpenNavNode();
GetNavNode(anId ).Reset();
return anId;
void nav_mgr::Init ( void )
// singleton class. Need to keep track of the singleton pointer
m_sThis = this;
s32 count;
for( count = 0; count < kMAX_STEPS; count++)
m_CurrentPath[count] = SLOT_NULL;
for(count = 0; count < kMAX_NAV_NODES; count++)
m_NavNodes[count].SetSlotID( count );
for(count = 0; count < kMAX_CONNECTIONS; count++)
slot_id nav_mgr::LocateNearestNode ( vector3& thisPoint )
f32 MinDistance = 999999999.0f;
slot_id NearestSlot = SLOT_NULL;
// SLOWEST POSSIBLE WAY TO DO THIS. :P Sorry, just for now. Need to get a spatial
// Database in place for the real version or get these into the database.
s32 count;
for( count = 0; count < kMAX_NAV_NODES; count++ )
if( m_NavNodes[count].IsInUse() )
f32 thisLength = ( m_NavNodes[count].GetPosition() - thisPoint).LengthSquared();
if(thisLength < MinDistance )
MinDistance = thisLength;
NearestSlot = count;
return NearestSlot;
void nav_mgr::LocateAllNodesInArea ( bbox& Area, xarray<base_node*>& Nodes, u32 flags )
s32 count;
for( count = 0; count < kMAX_NAV_NODES; count++ )
if( m_NavNodes[count].IsInUse() )
if( flags == nav_node::FLAG_ALL || flags & m_NavNodes[count].GetAttributes() )
if( Area.Intersect( &m_NavNodes[count].GetPosition(), 1 ) )
Nodes.Append( &m_NavNodes[count] );
slot_id nav_mgr::GetFirstOpenNavNode ( void )
slot_id count;
for(count=0 ; count<kMAX_NAV_NODES ; count++)
if( !(m_NavNodes[count].IsInUse() ) )
return count;
return SLOT_NULL;
void nav_mgr::DeleteNavNode ( slot_id thisNavNode )
ASSERT(thisNavNode != SLOT_NULL);
void nav_mgr::DeleteConnection ( slot_id thisConnection )
ASSERT(thisConnection != SLOT_NULL );
slot_id nav_mgr::GetNewConnection( void )
slot_id anId = GetFirstOpenConnection();
GetConnection( anId ).Reset();
return anId;
slot_id nav_mgr::GetFirstOpenConnection ( void )
slot_id count;
for(count=0 ; count<kMAX_CONNECTIONS ; count++)
if( m_Connections[count].GetStartNode() == SLOT_NULL )
return count;
return SLOT_NULL;
//void nav_mgr::FileIO( fileio& File )
// File.Static( m_Connections, kMAX_CONNECTIONS );
// File.Static( m_NavNodes, kMAX_CONNECTIONS );
// File.Static( m_SearchCount );
//void nav_mgr::FileIO( fileio& File )
void nav_mgr::LoadNavMap(const char *fileName )
X_FILE* tempFile = x_fopen(fileName, "rb" );
s32 count = 0;
if (tempFile)
for( count =0; count< kMAX_CONNECTIONS;count++ )
for( count =0; count< kMAX_NAV_NODES;count++ )
count = 0;
while (count < kMAX_NAV_NODES && m_NavNodes[count].IsInUse() )
guid aGuid = g_ObjMgr.CreateObject(object::TYPE_NAV_NODE_PLACE_HOLDER);
nav_mgr::GetNavMgr()->GetNavNode(count).SetPlaceHolder(aGuid );
object *tempObject = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectByGuid( aGuid );
nav_node_place_holder &aNNPH = nav_node_place_holder::GetSafeType(*tempObject);
aNNPH.SetNode( count );
// aNNPH.OnMove(nav_mgr::GetNavMgr()->GetNavNode(count).GetPosition());
count =0;
while ( count < kMAX_CONNECTIONS && m_Connections[count].GetEndNode() != SLOT_NULL )
guid node1, node2;
node1 = m_NavNodes[m_Connections[count].GetStartNode()].GetPlaceHolder();
node2 = m_NavNodes[m_Connections[count].GetEndNode()].GetPlaceHolder();
count =0;
while ( m_NavNodes[count].IsInUse() )
guid aGuid = nav_mgr::GetNavMgr()->GetNavNode(count).GetPlaceHolder();
object *tempObject = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectByGuid( aGuid );
nav_node_place_holder &aNNPH = nav_node_place_holder::GetSafeType(*tempObject);
aNNPH.OnMove( nav_mgr::GetNavMgr()->GetNavNode(count).GetPosition() );
// x_fclose(tempFile);
// m_hConnections.SetName( String );
// m_hConnections.GetPointer(); // Force to load now
void nav_mgr::SaveNavMap(const char* fileName )
X_FILE* tempFile = x_fopen(fileName, "wb" );
// ASSERT(tempFile);
// fileio File;
// File.Save(tempFile,*this,false);
s32 count = 0;
if (tempFile)
for( count =0; count< kMAX_CONNECTIONS;count++ )
for( count =0; count< kMAX_NAV_NODES;count++ )
void nav_mgr::AddGuidToNavConnection( guid aGuid, slot_id thisConnection)
object *tempObject = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectByGuid(aGuid);
if ( ( tempObject ) && (tempObject->IsKindOf(nav_node_place_holder::GetRTTI())) ) // SB - Crash FIX!!
if(m_FirstSelectedObject == SLOT_NULL)
m_FirstSelectedObject = tempObject->GetSlotID();
else if( m_FirstSelectedObject == tempObject->GetSlotID() )
// The clicked the same node again...
m_FirstSelectedObject = SLOT_NULL;
// return false;
// if we have one and they selected
// slot_id anID = nav_mgr::GetNavMgr()->GetNewConnection();
guid tempGuid = g_ObjMgr.CreateObject(object::TYPE_NAV_CONNECTION_PLACE_HOLDER );
object *tempNNCPH = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectByGuid( tempGuid );
nav_connection_place_holder &aNNCPH = nav_connection_place_holder::GetSafeType( *tempNNCPH);
slot_id anID = thisConnection;
aNNCPH.SetConnection( anID );
object *tempNNPH = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectBySlot(m_FirstSelectedObject );
nav_node_place_holder &aNavNode1 = nav_node_place_holder::GetSafeType(*tempNNPH);
object *tempObject2 = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectBySlot(tempObject->GetSlotID() );
nav_node_place_holder &aNavNode2 = nav_node_place_holder::GetSafeType(*tempObject2);
slot_id connectedNavNode = aNNCPH.GetConnection();
nav_connection &aNC = nav_mgr::GetNavMgr()->GetConnection(connectedNavNode);
aNC.SetNodes(aNavNode1.GetNode() , aNavNode2.GetNode() );
nav_node &aNN1 = nav_mgr::GetNavMgr()->GetNavNode(aNavNode1.GetNode() );
nav_node &aNN2 = nav_mgr::GetNavMgr()->GetNavNode(aNavNode2.GetNode() );
aNNCPH.OnMove(aNC.GetPosition() );
m_FirstSelectedObject = SLOT_NULL;
// return false;
// return true;
void nav_mgr::SetNavTestStart( guid thisNode )
object *tempNNCPH = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectByGuid( thisNode);
if(tempNNCPH && tempNNCPH->GetType() == object::TYPE_NAV_NODE_PLACE_HOLDER )
nav_node_place_holder &aNNPH = nav_node_place_holder ::GetSafeType( *tempNNCPH);
m_NavTestStart = aNNPH.GetNode();
void nav_mgr::SetNavTestEnd ( guid thisNode )
object *tempNNCPH = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectByGuid( thisNode);
if(tempNNCPH && tempNNCPH->GetType() == object::TYPE_NAV_NODE_PLACE_HOLDER )
nav_node_place_holder &aNNPH = nav_node_place_holder ::GetSafeType( *tempNNCPH);
m_NavTestEnd = aNNPH.GetNode();
void nav_mgr::TestNav(void)
if( m_NavTestStart != SLOT_NULL && m_NavTestEnd != SLOT_NULL )
nav_plan aPlan;
aPlan.SetStartingPoint( m_NavTestStart);
aPlan.SetDestination(m_NavNodes[m_NavTestEnd].GetPosition() );
UpdateNavPlan(m_NavNodes[m_NavTestEnd].GetPosition() ,aPlan );
void nav_mgr::FileIO( fileio& File )
// fileio File;
// return( File.PreLoad( FP ) );
s32 count = 0;
for( count = 0; count < kMAX_NAV_NODES; count++ )
m_NavNodes[count].FileIO( File );
for( count = 0; count < kMAX_CONNECTIONS; count++ )
m_Connections[count].FileIO( File );
void nav_mgr::SanityCheck(void)
s32 count;
for(count = 0; count < kMAX_NAV_NODES; count++ )
* Initialise the cost of each node to the maximum possible cost.
extern Node* source;
extern Node* target;
source->cost = 0.0f;
// could be almost any data-structure
vector<Node*> open;
open.insert( source );
while (!open.empty())
// pick the next node as the one with the best estimate
Node* current = FindBest( &open );
// check if we've reached the target, and if so, return the result!
if (current == target)
return true;
// scan all the neighbours of the current node
for (Edge* e = current->edges.begin(); e != current->edges.end(); e++)
// determine the cost of this node for taking the current edge
Node* neighbour = e->GetEndNode();
const float cost = current->cost + e->length;
// if it's worse, then we just skip it
if (cost > neigbour->cost)
// remove this neighbour from the list
open.remove( neigbour );
// remember that the path via the current node is better
neighbour->cost = cost;
neighbour->parent = current;
// and compute the estimated path length if this neighbour is used next
neighbour->estimate = neighbour->cost
+ VectorLength( neighbour->pos - target->pos );
// and allow the algorithm to scan this node when it becomes the best option
open.insert( neighbour );
xbool nav_mgr::UpdateNavPlan ( vector3& thisPoint, nav_plan& thisPlan )
xbool NotThereYet = true;
s32 StepsSearched = 0;
m_CheapestSolution = 99999999.0f;
slot_id nearestNode = LocateNearestNode( thisPoint );
slot_id destinationNode = LocateNearestNode( thisPlan.GetDestination() );
if( nearestNode == thisPlan.GetDestination() )
thisPlan.AddPoint(SLOT_NULL, destinationNode );
return true;
// Ok, if the nearest node to us is not the nearest node to the destination then it's time
// to do some searching.
// First thing to do is add all the connection costs and nodes from the nearest node to get
// us started
AddNodeToSearch( nearestNode );
s32 MaxTries = 128;
while( NotThereYet && MaxTries )
s32 indexOfCurentCheapestNode = GetCheapestNode();
if( m_PathNodes[indexOfCurentCheapestNode].m_Node == destinationNode )
UpdateNavPlan(thisPlan, );
// First we check to make sure that the navPlan's final goal hasn't changed
if ( thisPlan.GetDestination() != thisPoint )
// if it changed we need to start over
thisPlan.SetDestination( thisPoint );
vector3 WorkingPoint;
slot_id WorkingNode;
// DestinationNode;
// Figure out what node to start at
if( thisPlan.GetStartingPoint() != SLOT_NULL )
WorkingNode = LocateNearestNode( thisPoint );
WorkingNode = thisPlan.GetLastPoint();
// At this point we should have a Working Node that is where we will be starting
s32 StepCount = 0;
// object* tempObject = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectBySlot( WorkingNode );
// nav_node CurrentNavNode = nav_node::GetSaveType( *tempObject );
while ( NotThereYet && StepCount < k_MAX_SEARCH_NODES )
int connectionCount;
for(connectionCount = 0; connectionCount< k_MAX_NODE_CONNECTIONS ; connectionCount++)
// if(CurrentNavNode.GetConnectionByIndex(connectionCount ) != SLOT_NULL )
/* return false;
slot_id nav_mgr::LocateNearestNode ( vector3& thisPoint )
f32 MinDistance = 999999999.0f;
slot_id NearestSlot = SLOT_NULL;
// SLOWEST POSSIBLE WAY TO DO THIS. :P Sorry, just for now. Need to get a spatial
// Database in place for the real version or get these into the database.
s32 count;
for( count = 0; count < kMAX_NAV_NODES; count++ )
if( m_NavNodes[count].IsInUse() )
f32 thisLength = ( m_NavNodes[count].GetPosition() - thisPoint).LengthSquared();
if(thisLength < MinDistance )
MinDistance = thisLength;
NearestSlot = count;
return NearestSlot;
bbox volumeToCheck;
volumeToCheck.Translate ( thisPoint );
volumeToCheck.Inflate ( m_HorizontalNodeSearchRange,
m_HorizontalNodeSearchRange );
g_ObjMgr.SelectBBox( object::ATTR_ALL, volumeToCheck, object::TYPE_NAVNODE );
slot_id anID = g_ObjMgr.StartLoop();
while ( anID != SLOT_NULL )
f32 thisDistance = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectBySlot(anID)->GetPosition().Difference(thisPoint);
if( thisDistance < MinDistance )
MinDistance = thisDistance;
NearestSlot = anID;
anID = g_ObjMgr.GetNextResult( anID );
// if NearestSlot is neg 1 then we need to walk ALL nav nodes to find nearest
if ( NearestSlot != SLOT_NULL )
anID = g_ObjMgr.GetFirst( object::type::TYPE_NAVNODE );
if( anID == SLOT_NULL )
// e_throw("No Navnodes in obj_mgr");
return SLOT_NULL;
while( anID != SLOT_NULL )
f32 thisDistance = g_ObjMgr.GetObjectBySlot(anID)->GetPosition().Difference(thisPoint);
if( thisDistance < MinDistance )
MinDistance = thisDistance;
NearestSlot = anID;
anID = g_ObjMgr.GetNext( anID );
// At this time we are guaranteed to have a slot and a distance unless there were no
// nav_node in which case it should throw an exception
return anID;
void nav_mgr::Init ( void )
// singleton class. Need to keep track of the singleton pointer
m_sThis = this;
s32 count;
for( count = 0; count < kMAX_STEPS; count++)
m_CurrentPath[count] = SLOT_NULL;
for(count = 0; count < kMAX_NAV_NODES; count++)
for(count = 0; count < kMAX_CONNECTIONS; count++)
slot_id nav_mgr::GetFirstOpenConnection ( void )
slot_id count;
for(count=0 ; count<kMAX_CONNECTIONS ; count++)
if( m_Connections[count].GetStartNode() == SLOT_NULL )
return count;
return SLOT_NULL;
slot_id nav_mgr::GetFirstOpenNavNode ( void )
slot_id count;
for(count=0 ; count<kMAX_NAV_NODES ; count++)
if( !(m_NavNodes[count].IsInUse() ) )
return count;
return SLOT_NULL;
slot_id nav_mgr::GetNewNavNode( void )
slot_id anId = GetFirstOpenNavNode();
GetNavNode(anId ).Reset();
return anId;
nav_node& nav_mgr::GetNavNode(slot_id thisNavNode )
ASSERT(thisNavNode >=0 && thisNavNode < kMAX_NAV_NODES );
return (m_NavNodes[thisNavNode] );
nav_connection& nav_mgr::GetConnection( slot_id thisNavConnection )
ASSERT(thisNavConnection >=0 && thisNavConnection < kMAX_CONNECTIONS );
return ( m_Connections[thisNavConnection] );
slot_id nav_mgr::GetNewConnection( void )
slot_id anId = GetFirstOpenConnection();
GetConnection( anId ).Reset();
return anId;
void nav_mgr::StartNavConnectionCreation ( slot_id firstPoint )
m_FirstNavNodeForConnection = firstPoint;
void nav_mgr::CompleteNavConnection( slot_id secondPoint )
if ( m_FirstNavNodeForConnection != 0 )
slot_id anID = GetFirstOpenConnection();
// GetConnection(anID).SetNodes( m_FirstNavNodeForConnection, secondPoint );
void nav_mgr::ResetSearchNodes(void)
s32 count;
for(count = 0; count < k_MAX_SEARCH_NODES; count++ )
m_PathNodes[count].m_Node = SLOT_NULL;
m_PathNodes[count].m_Connection = SLOT_NULL;
m_PathNodes[count].m_TotalCost = -1.0f;
m_PathNodes[count].m_SearchStep = 0;
// AddNodeToSearch
// Adds all the nodes to current list of nodes and costs
void nav_mgr::AddNodeToSearch( slot_id nearestNode, f32 startingCost, slot_id destinationNode )
nav_node &thisNavNode = GetNavNode(nearestNode);
ASSERT( thisNavNode.IsInUse() );
s32 count;
// walk through the connections that are tied to this node
for(count = 0; count <k_MAX_NODE_CONNECTIONS; count++)
// if this connection slot is being used then investigate it further
slot_id thisConnectionID = thisNavNode.GetConnectionByIndex( count );
if( thisConnectionID != SLOT_NULL )
// It's in use, not get the connection and the node that it attaches us too
slot_id targetNodeID = thisConnection.GetOtherEnd(nearestNode) ;
nav_connection &thisConnection = GetConnection( thisConnectionID );
nav_node &targetNode = GetNavNode( targetNodeID );
// Make sure this node is in use. if not, we got a logic error somewhere
ASSERT(targetNode.IsInUse() );
// Ok, so we got the connection and the node, now we make sure it's not already
// in the search and if it is then we need to see if it was done in a previous step
// of this very same AddNodeToSearch call. This would be the case if there are two or
// more connections between the same two nodes. Need to check them both in case one
// is a better fit for our current AI
if( targetNode.GetSearchNumber() == m_SearchCount)
// if this is true then it was added earlier in this function call. need to see
// which path is better
if(targetNode.GetSearchStepNumber() == m_SearchStep )
f32 thisCost = thisConnection.GetCost() + startingCost;
s32 nodeAlreadyInList = GetIndexForNodeAlreadyInList( targetNodeID, m_SearchStep ) ;
if( thisCost < m_PathNodes[nodeAlreadyInList].m_TotalCost )
// so if taking this connection is cheaper then we need to replace the
// data for the node
m_PathNodes[nodeAlreadyInList].m_Connection = thisConnectionID;
m_PathNodes[nodeAlreadyInList].m_Node = targetNodeID;
m_PathNodes[nodeAlreadyInList].m_SearchStep = m_SearchStep;
m_PathNodes[nodeAlreadyInList].m_TotalCost = thisCost;
s32 firstOpenNode = GetFirstOpenSearchNode(m_SearchStep);
m_PathNodes[firstOpenNode].m_Connection = thisConnectionID;
m_PathNodes[firstOpenNode].m_Node = targetNodeID;
m_PathNodes[firstOpenNode].m_SearchStep = m_SearchStep;
m_PathNodes[firstOpenNode].m_TotalCost = thisConnection.GetCost() + startingCost;
slot_id nav_mgr::GetIndexForNodeAlreadyInList(slot_id thisNode, s32 thisStep )
s32 count;
for( count= 0; count < k_MAX_SEARCH_NODES; count++ )
if( m_PathNodes[count].m_Node == thisNode && m_PathNodes[count].m_SearchStep == thisStep )
return count;
// should never get here if called correctly
return 0;
s32 nav_mgr::GetFirstOpenSearchNode( void )
s32 count;
for( count= 0; count < k_MAX_SEARCH_NODES; count++ )
if(m_PathNodes[count].m_Connection != SLOT_NULL )
return count;
// search too deep!
ASSERT( false );
s32 nav_mgr::GetCheapestNode(void)
s32 count;
f32 cheapestCost = 9999999999.0f;
s32 cheapestIndex -1;
for(count=0; count < k_MAX_SEARCH_NODES; count++)
if( m_PathNodes[count].m_Connection != -1 )
if( m_PathNodes[count].m_TotalCost < cheapestCost )
cheapestCost = m_PathNodes[count].m_TotalCost;
cheapestIndex = count;
return cheapestIndex;
void nav_plan::UpdateNavPlan( nav_plan &thisPlan )
s32 reverseList[64];
s32 lastNodeAdded =0;
// First we have to reverse search from the best path for a list of nodes
} while( m_NodePath[)