Andrew Sampson 431f72b93a source
2021-08-27 19:22:41 -07:00

618 lines
18 KiB

// VU1 Test
#include "Entropy.hpp"
#include "Render\SkinGeom.hpp"
#include "Render\RigidGeom.hpp"
#include "rawanim.hpp"
#include "RawMesh.hpp"
#include "Geometry\vu1\vu1.hpp"
#include "Auxiliary\Bitmap\aux_Bitmap.hpp"
f32 Frame=0;
rawanim RawAnim;
rawmesh RawMesh;
skin_geom* pSkinGeom = NULL;
rigid_geom* pRigidGeom = NULL;
view View;
random R;
s32 ScreenW;
s32 ScreenH;
s8 Normals[16384] PS2_ALIGNMENT(16);
s32 NumInst = 1; //104;
xbitmap Bitmap;
#ifdef TARGET_PC
const char* DataPath = "Data\\";
xbool UseVU = FALSE;
vector3 LDir( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
s32 List = 1;
void Initialize( void )
View.SetXFOV( R_60 );
View.SetPosition( vector3(100,100,200) );
View.LookAtPoint( vector3( 0, 0, 0) );
View.SetZLimits ( 0.1f, 1000.0f );
//eng_SetBackColor( XCOLOR_GREEN );
eng_GetRes( ScreenW, ScreenH );
s32 i;
for( i=0; i<16384; i++ ) Normals[i] = -1;
for( i=0; i<VU1_MAX_INSTANCES; i++ )
const f32 Dist = 200.0f;
vector3 P;
P.X = ((f32)x_rand() / X_RAND_MAX) * Dist;
P.Z = ((f32)x_rand() / X_RAND_MAX) * Dist;
P.Y = 0.0f;
f32 S = 0.5f + (((f32)x_rand() / X_RAND_MAX) * 0.5f);
S = 0.05f;
radian3 R( R_0, R_0, R_0 );
R.Yaw = ((f32)x_rand() / X_RAND_MAX) * R_360;
//P.Z += i * 2.0f;
P.X += i * 2.0f;
L2W[i].Scale( S );
//L2W[i].Rotate( R );
L2W[i].Translate( P );
void Shutdown( void )
void SaveCamera( void )
matrix4 M = View.GetV2W();
X_FILE* fp;
if( !(fp = x_fopen( "camera.dat", "wb" ))) ASSERT( FALSE );
x_fwrite( &M, sizeof( M ), 1, fp );
x_fclose( fp );
x_DebugMsg( "Camera saved\n" );
void LoadCamera( void )
X_FILE* fp;
matrix4 ViewMat;
if( !(fp = x_fopen( "camera.dat", "rb" ))) return;
x_fread( &ViewMat, sizeof( ViewMat ), 1, fp );
x_fclose( fp );
View.SetV2W( ViewMat );
x_DebugMsg( "Camera loaded\n" );
xbool HandleInput( void )
if( input_UpdateState() )
#ifdef TARGET_PC
// Move view using keyboard and mouse
// WASD - forward, left, back, right
// RF - up, down
// MouseRightButton - 4X speed
radian Pitch;
radian Yaw;
f32 S = 0.825f;
f32 R = 0.005f;
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_KBD_ESCAPE ) ) return( FALSE );
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_MOUSE_BTN_R ) ) S *= 4.0f;
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_KBD_W ) ) View.Translate( vector3( 0, 0, S), view::VIEW );
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_KBD_S ) ) View.Translate( vector3( 0, 0,-S), view::VIEW );
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_KBD_A ) ) View.Translate( vector3( S, 0, 0), view::VIEW );
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_KBD_D ) ) View.Translate( vector3(-S, 0, 0), view::VIEW );
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_KBD_R ) ) View.Translate( vector3( 0, S, 0), view::VIEW );
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_KBD_F ) ) View.Translate( vector3( 0,-S, 0), view::VIEW );
if( input_WasPressed( INPUT_KBD_P ) ) List++;
if( input_WasPressed( INPUT_KBD_O ) ) List--;
View.GetPitchYaw( Pitch, Yaw );
Pitch += input_GetValue( INPUT_MOUSE_Y_REL ) * R;
Yaw -= input_GetValue( INPUT_MOUSE_X_REL ) * R;
View.SetRotation( radian3(Pitch,Yaw,0) );
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_MSG_EXIT ) )
return( FALSE );
#ifdef TARGET_PS2
radian Pitch;
radian Yaw;
f32 S = 0.50f;
f32 R = 0.025f;
f32 Lateral;
f32 Vertical;
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_PS2_BTN_L1 ) ) S *= 4.0f;
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_PS2_BTN_R1 ) ) View.Translate( vector3( 0, S, 0), view::VIEW );
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_PS2_BTN_R2 ) ) View.Translate( vector3( 0,-S, 0), view::VIEW );
if( input_IsPressed( INPUT_PS2_BTN_CIRCLE ) ) SaveCamera();
Lateral = S * input_GetValue( INPUT_PS2_STICK_LEFT_X );
Vertical = S * input_GetValue( INPUT_PS2_STICK_LEFT_Y );
View.Translate( vector3(0,0,Vertical), view::VIEW );
View.Translate( vector3(-Lateral,0,0), view::VIEW );
View.GetPitchYaw( Pitch, Yaw );
Pitch += input_GetValue( INPUT_PS2_STICK_RIGHT_Y ) * R;
Yaw -= input_GetValue( INPUT_PS2_STICK_RIGHT_X ) * R;
View.SetRotation( radian3(Pitch,Yaw,0) );
return( TRUE );
void Render( void )
eng_MaximizeViewport( View );
eng_SetView ( View, 0 );
eng_ActivateView ( 0 );
draw_Grid( vector3( 0, 0, 0),
vector3(100, 0, 0),
vector3( 0, 0,100),
xcolor ( 0,128, 0), 16 );
void RenderStrip( vector4* pPos, u16* pCol, s16* pUV, s32 nVerts )
vector3 PosQ[3];
xcolor ColQ[3];
vector2 TexQ[3];
xbool Kick = FALSE;
draw_SetTexture( Bitmap );
for( s32 j=0; j<nVerts; j++ )
Kick = !(*(u32*)&pPos[j].W & 0x8000);
PosQ[0] = PosQ[1];
PosQ[1] = PosQ[2];
ColQ[0] = ColQ[1];
ColQ[1] = ColQ[2];
TexQ[0] = TexQ[1];
TexQ[1] = TexQ[2];
PosQ[2].X = pPos[j].X;
PosQ[2].Y = pPos[j].Y;
PosQ[2].Z = pPos[j].Z;
ColQ[2].R = ((pCol[j] >> 0) & 0x1F) << 3;
ColQ[2].G = ((pCol[j] >> 5) & 0x1F) << 3;
ColQ[2].B = ((pCol[j] >> 10) & 0x1F) << 3;
ColQ[2].A = ((pCol[j] >> 15) & 0x01) << 7;
TexQ[2].X = pUV[j*2+0] / (f32)(1<<12);
TexQ[2].Y = pUV[j*2+1] / (f32)(1<<12);
if( Kick )
draw_Color ( ColQ[0] );
draw_UV ( TexQ[0] );
draw_Vertex( PosQ[0] );
draw_Color ( ColQ[1] );
draw_UV ( TexQ[1] );
draw_Vertex( PosQ[1] );
draw_Color ( ColQ[2] );
draw_UV ( TexQ[2] );
draw_Vertex( PosQ[2] );
xbool instanced = TRUE;
xbool anim = FALSE;
xbool clipped = TRUE;
#ifdef TARGET_PS2
void RenderSkinPS2( vector3& LightDirection )
s32 i,j;
//s32 nStrips = 0;
matrix4* pL2W = (matrix4*)smem_BufferAlloc( sizeof(matrix4) * RawAnim.m_nBones );
vector3 LDir = -LightDirection;
// Compute anim frame
RawAnim.ComputeBonesL2W( pL2W, Frame );
if( anim )
Frame += 1;
vram_Activate( Bitmap );
vu1_Init( View.GetW2S(), View.GetW2C(), View.GetC2S() );
// Compute the new position for the verts
for( i=0; i<pSkinGeom->m_nDList; i++ )
skin_geom::dlist_ps2& DList = pSkinGeom->m_DListPtr.pPS2[i];
s32 ReindexCur = 0;
// Allocate a new place for the vert position
vector4* pPos = (vector4*)smem_BufferAlloc( sizeof(vector4) * DList.nUVs );
u16* pCol = (u16*) smem_BufferAlloc ( sizeof(xcolor) * DList.nUVs );
ASSERT(pCol && pPos);
// Start processing verts
for( j=0; j<DList.nPosNorm; j++ )
skin_geom::posnom_ps2& PN = DList.pPosNorm[j];
vector3 NewPos = PN.W1 * ( pL2W[ DList.pBone[j*2+0] ] * PN.Pos ) +
PN.W2 * ( pL2W[ DList.pBone[j*2+1] ] * PN.Pos );
vector3 NewNorm = pL2W[ DList.pBone[j*2+0] ].RotateVector( PN.Normal );
s32 I = (s32)(fMin( 1, 0.3f + fMax( 0, NewNorm.Dot( LDir ) )) * 255);
// CPU Code ( Copy verts to final location )
for( s32 k=DList.pReIndex[ReindexCur++]; k>0; k--, ReindexCur++ )
ASSERT( ReindexCur <= DList.nReIndex );
// This means that we must set the ADC bits here
if( DList.pReIndex[ReindexCur] & (1<<15) )
s32 Index = DList.pReIndex[ReindexCur] & (u16)~(1<<15);
pPos[Index] = vector4( NewPos.X, NewPos.Y, NewPos.Z, 1 ); // | ADC bit here
pCol[Index] = (I>>3) | ((I>>3)<<5) | ((I>>3)<<10);
pCol[Index] = 16 | (16<<5) | (16<<10);
*(u32*)&pPos[Index].W |= 0x8000;
s32 Index = DList.pReIndex[ReindexCur];
pPos[Index] = vector4( NewPos.X, NewPos.Y, NewPos.Z, 1 ); // NO ADC bit here
pCol[Index] = (I>>3) | ((I>>3)<<5) | ((I>>3)<<10);
pCol[Index] = 16 | (16<<5) | (16<<10);
// Render display list ( KICK IT OFF )
if( UseVU )
if( instanced )
vu1_BeginInstance( pPos, (s16*)DList.pUV, (s8*)Normals, DList.nUVs );
for( s32 i=0; i<NumInst; i++ )
vu1_AddInstance( pCol, L2W[i], (clipped ? VU1_INSTANCE_CLIPPED : 0) );
for( s32 i=0; i<NumInst; i++ )
//vu1_Render( pPos, pCol, (s16*)DList.pUV, (s8*)Normals, DList.nUVs, L2W[i] );
RenderStrip( pPos, pCol, (s16*)DList.pUV, DList.nUVs );
#ifdef TARGET_PC
void RenderSkinPC( vector3& LightDirection )
s32 i;
matrix4* pL2W = (matrix4*)smem_BufferAlloc( sizeof(matrix4) * RawAnim.m_nBones );
vector3 LDir = -LightDirection;
// Compute anim frame
RawAnim.ComputeBonesL2W( pL2W, Frame );
if( anim )
Frame += 1;
vram_Activate( Bitmap );
// Compute the new position for the verts
for( i=0; i<pSkinGeom->m_nDList; i++ )
skin_geom::dlist_pc& DList = pSkinGeom->m_DListPtr.pPC[i];
s32 ReindexCur = 0;
// Allocate a new place for the vert position
vector4* pPos = (vector4*)smem_BufferAlloc( sizeof(vector4) * DList.nUVs );
u16* pCol = (u16*) smem_BufferAlloc ( sizeof(xcolor) * DList.nUVs );
ASSERT(pCol && pPos);
// Start processing verts
for( j=0; j<DList.nPosNorm; j++ )
skin_geom::posnom_ps2& PN = DList.pPosNorm[j];
vector3 NewPos = PN.W1 * ( pL2W[ DList.pBone[j*2+0] ] * PN.Pos ) +
PN.W2 * ( pL2W[ DList.pBone[j*2+1] ] * PN.Pos );
vector3 NewNorm = pL2W[ DList.pBone[j*2+0] ].RotateVector( PN.Normal );
s32 I = (s32)(fMin( 1, 0.3f + fMax( 0, NewNorm.Dot( LDir ) )) * 255);
// CPU Code ( Copy verts to final location )
for( s32 k=DList.pReIndex[ReindexCur++]; k>0; k--, ReindexCur++ )
ASSERT( ReindexCur <= DList.nReIndex );
// This means that we must set the ADC bits here
if( DList.pReIndex[ReindexCur] & (1<<15) )
s32 Index = DList.pReIndex[ReindexCur] & (u16)~(1<<15);
pPos[Index] = vector4( NewPos.X, NewPos.Y, NewPos.Z, 1 ); // | ADC bit here
pCol[Index] = (I>>3) | ((I>>3)<<5) | ((I>>3)<<10);
pCol[Index] = 16 | (16<<5) | (16<<10);
*(u32*)&pPos[Index].W |= 0x8000;
s32 Index = DList.pReIndex[ReindexCur];
pPos[Index] = vector4( NewPos.X, NewPos.Y, NewPos.Z, 1 ); // NO ADC bit here
pCol[Index] = (I>>3) | ((I>>3)<<5) | ((I>>3)<<10);
pCol[Index] = 16 | (16<<5) | (16<<10);
RenderStrip( pPos, pCol, (s16*)DList.pUV, DList.nUVs );
#ifdef TARGET_PS2
void RenderRigidPS2( void )
List = MINMAX( 0, List, pRigidGeom->m_nSubMeshs-1 );
rigid_geom::dlist_ps2* pDList = &pRigidGeom->m_System.pPS2->pDList[List];
vector4* pPos = pDList->pPosition;
s16* pUV = pDList->pUV;
u16* pCol = (u16*)pUV;
if( UseVU )
vram_Activate( Bitmap );
vu1_Init( View.GetW2S(), View.GetW2C(), View.GetC2S() );
vu1_Render( pPos, pCol, pUV, Normals, pDList->nVerts, 0, L2W[0] );
RenderStrip( pPos, pCol, pUV, pDList->nVerts );
#ifdef TARGET_PC
void RenderRigidPC( void )
List = MINMAX( 0, List, pRigidGeom->m_nSubMeshs-1 );
rigid_geom::dlist_pc* pDList = &pRigidGeom->m_System.pPC->pDList[List];
rigid_geom::vertex_pc* pVertex = pRigidGeom->m_System.pPC->pVertex;
draw_SetTexture( Bitmap );
for( s32 i=0; i<pDList->nIndices; i++ )
s32 I = pRigidGeom->m_System.pPC->pIndex[ pDList->iIndices + i ];
xcolor C;
u16 RGB = *(u16*)&pVertex[I].UV;
C.R = ((RGB >> 0) & 0x1F) << 3;
C.G = ((RGB >> 5) & 0x1F) << 3;
C.B = ((RGB >> 10) & 0x1F) << 3;
C.A = 255;
draw_Color ( C );
draw_UV ( pVertex[I].UV );
draw_Vertex( pVertex[I].Pos );
void eng_GetStats(s32 &Count, f32 &CPU, f32 &GS, f32 &IMS, f32 &FPS);
void AppMain( s32, char** )
auxbmp_Load( Bitmap, "C:\\GameData\\A51\\test.bmp" );
#ifdef TARGET_PS2
auxbmp_ConvertToPS2( Bitmap );
char* Path = "C:\\GameData\\A51\\Release\\PS2";
auxbmp_ConvertToD3D( Bitmap );
char* Path = "C:\\GameData\\A51\\Release\\PC";
vram_Register( Bitmap );
fileio File;
//File.Load( xfs( "%s\\Hazmat_00.skingeom", Path ), pSkinGeom );
//File.Load( xfs( "%s\\room_ceiling_00.rigidgeom", Path ), pRigidGeom );
//File.Load( xfs( "%s\\gray_TOTAL.skingeom", Path ), pSkinGeom );
//File.Load( xfs( "%s\\gray_TOTAL3.rigidgeom", Path ), pRigidGeom );
File.Load( xfs( "%s\\gray_LOD_test.rigidgeom", Path ), pRigidGeom );
xtimer T;
#ifdef TARGET_PS2
s32 Count = 0;
f32 CPU = 0.0f, IMS = 0.0f, FPS = 0.0f, GS = 0.0f;
vu1_stats Stats;
while( TRUE )
if( !HandleInput() )
eng_Begin( "Render" );
#ifdef TARGET_PS2
if( pSkinGeom ) RenderSkinPS2( LDir );
if( pRigidGeom ) RenderRigidPS2();
vu1_GetStats( Stats );
x_printfxy( 2, 2, "Verts: %d", Stats.nTotalVerts );
x_printfxy( 2, 3, "CPU : %f", Stats.CPUTime );
x_printfxy( 2, 4, "GS/VU: %f", GS );
x_printfxy( 2, 5, "Bytes: %d", Stats.nBytesUploaded );
if( pSkinGeom ) RenderSkinPC( LDir );
if( pRigidGeom ) RenderRigidPC();
#ifdef TARGET_PS2
if( T.ReadSec() >= 1.0f )
eng_GetStats( Count, CPU, GS, IMS, FPS );
vram_Unregister( Bitmap );