THINPOOLDEV=$(ps -ef | grep docker | awk '/--storage-opt/ { for (x=1;x<=NF;x++) if ($x~"--storage-opt") print $(x+1) }' | grep thinpooldev | awk -F= '{print $2}') ROOTVOLUME=$(df -P | grep " \/$" | awk '{print $1}') SEPARATEPARTITION=$(grep /var/lib/docker /etc/fstab) # Verify that somebody didn't put a dummy entry in /etc/fstab and are really # using devicemapper if [ "$SEPARATEPARTITION" ] && [ ! "$THINPOOLDEV" ]; then RETVAL=0 # Verify that THINPOOLDEV exists and is not the same as root volume. I am not # completely sure you could ever do this, but figured it's a safer check elif [ "$THINPOOLDEV" ] && [ "$THINPOOLDEV" != "$ROOTVOLUME" ]; then RETVAL=0 else RETVAL=1 fi return $RETVAL