#0 - Add volume restoration functionality #2

GuillaumeHemmen merged 1 commit from feat/implement-restore into master 2024-08-21 13:27:50 +02:00
Showing only changes of commit d685e51145 - Show all commits

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@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ const listAndSelectDockerVolumes = async (toolbox: Toolbox): Promise<string[]> =
const {selectedVolumes} = await prompt.ask({
type: 'multiselect',
name: 'selectedVolumes',
message: 'Select the volumes you want to backup:',
message: 'Select the volumes you want to treat:',
choices: volumeList,
}) as { selectedVolumes: string[] };
@ -116,6 +116,62 @@ const runVolumeBackup = async (toolbox: Toolbox, workingDir: string, volumes: st
const listAndSelectArchives = async (toolbox: Toolbox, workingDir: string, volumes: string[]): Promise<string[]> =>{
const {print, filesystem} = toolbox
print.warning('To avoid problem with docker compose, we list only the archive to restore if');
print.warning('there is an EXISTING volume of the same name. Please, ensure that the volumes');
print.warning('are created prior to run this tool.');
const spinner = print.spin('running docker volume ls');
// test if an archive for the name of the volume exist if yes add it to the list
try {
const archives: string[] = [];
for (const volume of volumes) {
// check if file exist
if (filesystem.exists(`${workingDir}/${volume}.tar`)) {
spinner.succeed(`Archive found for ${volume}.`);
} else {
spinner.fail(`No archive found for ${volume}.`);
return archives;
} catch (listAndSelectArchivesError) {
spinner.fail('Failed to list docker volumes or to access backups!')
const runVolumeRestore = async (toolbox: Toolbox, workingDir: string, archives: string[]) => {
const {print, system} = toolbox;
print.info('starting restore process');
const spinner = print.spin();
for (const archive of archives) {
try {
spinner.start(`restore volume ${archive}...`)
await system.run(`docker run -v "${archive}":/volume -v "${workingDir}":/tmp alpine sh -c "rm -rf /volume/* && tar -p -xf /tmp/${archive}.tar -C /volume"`);
spinner.succeed(`volume ${archive} restored!`)
} catch (error) {
spinner.fail(`volume ${archive} restore failed!`)
const command: GluegunCommand = {
name: 'docker-volume-manager',
run: async (toolbox) => {
@ -133,7 +189,6 @@ const command: GluegunCommand = {
if (choice === 'Backup volume') {
// select the backup location folder
// @ts-ignore
const workingFolder = await getAndValidateBackupFolder(toolbox);
// list and select the volumes
@ -145,10 +200,14 @@ const command: GluegunCommand = {
print.success('Your volume have been backed up!')
} else if (choice === 'Restore volumes') {
// select the backup location folder
const workingFolder = await getAndValidateBackupFolder(toolbox);
// list and select the archives to restore
const volumes = await listAndSelectDockerVolumes(toolbox);
const archives = await listAndSelectArchives(toolbox, workingFolder, volumes);
// run the restore
await runVolumeRestore(toolbox, workingFolder, archives);
print.success('your backup have been restored!');
} else if (choice === 'exit') {