2015-03-13 11:02:30 -04:00

69 lines
3.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
source bashcomplib
# completing the 'mpw' command.
_comp_mpw() {
local optarg= cword=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} pcword=
(( COMP_CWORD )) && pcword=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD - 1]}
case $pcword in
-u) # complete full names.
COMPREPLY=( ~/.mpw.d/*.mpsites )
COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]##*/}" ) COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]%.mpsites}" )
-t) # complete types.
COMPREPLY=( maximum long medium basic short pin name phrase )
-c) # complete counter.
-V) # complete versions.
COMPREPLY=( 0 1 2 3 )
-v) # complete variants.
COMPREPLY=( password login answer )
-C) # complete context.
# previous word is not an option we can complete, complete site name (or option if leading -)
if [[ $cword = -* ]]; then
COMPREPLY=( -u -t -c -V -v -C )
local w fullName=$MP_FULLNAME
for (( w = 0; w < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}; ++w )); do
[[ ${COMP_WORDS[w]} = -u ]] && fullName=$(xargs <<< "${COMP_WORDS[w + 1]}") && break
if [[ -e ~/.mpw.d/"$fullName.mpsites" ]]; then
IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -ra COMPREPLY < <(awk -F$'\t' '!/^ *#/{sub(/^ */, "", $2); print $2}' ~/.mpw.d/"$fullName.mpsites")
printf -v _comp_title 'Sites for %s' "$fullName"
# Default list from the Alexa Top 500
163.com 360.cn 9gag.com adobe.com alibaba.com aliexpress.com amazon.com
apple.com archive.org ask.com baidu.com battle.net booking.com buzzfeed.com
chase.com cnn.com comcast.net craigslist.org dailymotion.com dell.com
deviantart.com diply.com disqus.com dropbox.com ebay.com engadget.com
espn.go.com evernote.com facebook.com fedex.com feedly.com flickr.com
flipkart.com github.com gizmodo.com go.com goodreads.com google.com
huffingtonpost.com hulu.com ign.com ikea.com imdb.com imgur.com
indiatimes.com instagram.com jd.com kickass.to kickstarter.com linkedin.com
live.com livedoor.com mail.ru mozilla.org naver.com netflix.com newegg.com
nicovideo.jp nytimes.com pandora.com paypal.com pinterest.com pornhub.com
qq.com rakuten.co.jp reddit.com redtube.com shutterstock.com skype.com
soso.com spiegel.de spotify.com stackexchange.com steampowered.com
stumbleupon.com taobao.com target.com thepiratebay.se tmall.com
torrentz.eu tripadvisor.com tube8.com tubecup.com tudou.com tumblr.com
twitter.com uol.com.br vimeo.com vk.com walmart.com weibo.com whatsapp.com
wikia.com wikipedia.org wired.com wordpress.com xhamster.com xinhuanet.com
xvideos.com yahoo.com yandex.ru yelp.com youku.com youporn.com ziddu.com
fi ;;
#complete -F _show_args mpw
complete -o nospace -F _comp_mpw mpw