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# Ark Survived Evolved - Docker
Docker build for managing an Ark Survived Evolved server.
This image uses [Ark Server Tools] (https://github.com/FezVrasta/ark-server-tools) to manage an ark server.
## Usage
Fast & Easy server setup :
`docker run -d -p 7778:7778 -p 27016:27016 -e SESSIONNAME=myserver -e ADMINPASSWORD="mypasswordadmin" --name ark turzam/ark`
You can map the ark volume to access config files :
`docker run -d -p 7778:7778 -p 27016:27016 -e SESSIONNAME=myserver -v /my/path/to/ark:/ark --name ark turzam/ark`
Then you can edit */my/path/to/ark/arkcmanager.cfg* (the values override GameUserSetting.ini) and */my/path/to/ark/server/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/GameUserSetting.ini.*
You can manager your server with rcon if you map the rcon port :
`docker run -d -p 7778:7778 -p 27016:27016 -p 32330:32330 -e SESSIONNAME=myserver --name ark turzam/ark`
You can define a server that updates itself every 2 hours and backups itself every hours:
`docker run -d -p 7778:7778 -p 27016:27016 -e SESSIONNAME=myserver -e AUTOBACKUP=60 -e AUTOUPDATE=120 --name ark turzam/ark`
You can check your server with :
`docker exec ark arkmanager status`
You can manually update your server:
`docker exec ark arkmanager update`
You can force save your server :
`docker exec ark arkmanager saveworld`
You can use rcon command via docker :
`docker exec ark arkmanager rconcmd ListPlayers`
*Full list of available command [here](http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=454529617&searchtext=admin)*
__You can check all available command for arkmanager__ [here](https://github.com/FezVrasta/ark-server-tools/blob/master/README.md)
## Recommended Usage
- First run
`docker run -it -p 7778:7778 -p 27016:27016 -p 32330:32330 -e SESSIONNAME=myserver -e ADMINPASSWORD="mypasswordadmin" -e AUTOUPDATE=120 -e AUTOBACKUP=60 -v /my/path/to/ark:/ark --name ark turzam/ark`
- Wait for ark to be downloaded installed and launched, then Ctrl+C to stop the server.
- Modify */my/path/to/ark/server/ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/GameUserSetting.ini.*
- `docker start ark`
- Check your server with :
`docker exec ark arkmanager status`
## Variables
Name of your ark server (default : "Ark Docker")
Map of your ark server (default : "TheIsland")
Password of your ark server (default : "")
Admin password of your ark server (default : "adminpassword")
1 : Backup the server when the container is started. 0: no backup (default : 1)
1 : Update the server when the container is started. 0: no update (default : 1)
Number of minute between each check for une newer version (-1 disable auto update) (default : -1)
Auto update is set to --warn and warn the players 30 minutes before update (default, can be changed in /ark/arkmanager.cfg).
Number of minute between each backup (-1 disable auto backup) (default : -1)
## Volumes
+ __/ark__ : Working directory :
+ /ark/server : Server files and data.
+ /ark/log : logs
+ /ark/backup : backups
+ /ark/arkmanager.cfg : config file
## Expose
+ Port : __7778__ : Steam port
+ Port : __27016__ : server port
+ Port : __32330__ : rcon port
## Known issues